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Eta Carinae
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  • I blazed through my White with a team of level 30-35's and am now painfully grinding for the Elite four :( Just 15 more levels...
    The same as they've always been. It's not as though graduate school sneaked up and jumped me when I wasn't looking or something.
    In fact, it doesn't really portray me accurately at all and I wonder why it's still there. If you really wanted to get a feel for me, you should read this fanfic, especially the prologue. I'm Char.

    The translation is for me to know and for you to figure out :P It does not really make sense for anyone other than me, actually. I am probably the only one in the world who plays with the words and symbols like I do.
    How did concert band end at 4:45? That's almost 2 hours past the dismissal time.

    Also, they can't realistically expect the choir to start at 7 and have everybody show up. :P
    :D *brofist*

    ...No. I was going to, but then somebody else did. You did improve a lot though, so my vote's definitely going to you. ^('.')^

    Do you think that the '09 and '10 tournaments are going to finish? (And what about the Chingling death-match that we were supposed to have?)
    Yup, if you exclude real life/Internet hybrids (like Facebook friends)

    Yes. Did you? I omitted lots of categories, though, such as the "Best battle", because there's so many that I felt were great and exemplary and it's hard to choose a reasonable amount of battles to submit.
    I know, sucks for me. I'll have to defeat my best (Internet) friend. It'll be painful. Moreso for you than for me, though.

    (what is this, me being cocky when I have a 25% chance of not winning this round)

    It'll spoil the intensity of the situation if you read the spoilers before you read the original posts :P
    It's not any consolation. There goes my chance at, well, everything. My only hope is next round's song. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: Tell me this is not happening to me. I had a 75% chance - fully 75% chance of winning. Then, this happens, and I was congratulating myself on a job well done.
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