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Eta Carinae
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  • (hey um, psst. how would you feel about um. nominating my maractus for best nickname in the ASB awards? since you um. like it so much!)
    (also I can't nominate myself. :D')
    Ah, yes! I forgot to close that up yesterday. I'll post something up in a couple minutes with explanations.
    ...Looking back, yes, that was my tired mind. :( But really, I don't really know why rare candies are so valuable, if they only give a single exp. point.
    No. I'm genuinely confused as to the purpose of buying a rare candy for $40. And I can't think of a situation where I'd use one.

    Or I may be just tired and taking out my frustration.
    So... they wish to feel the satisfaction of evolution without meriting it?

    I remember when I evolved my Bulbasaur, I did not feel much satisfaction. :/
    I think I may have possibly had a faint recollection of having known who or what Squire is. :/
    No, it really is my fault. I'll get to finishing that now; there's no reason I had to take this long.

    I'm sort of nervous about the next round of the tournament, actually; the numbers are getting lower and I'm extremely nervous about getting paired up with someone like Kratos or something. Oh well; I'm glad I have my nidoking all evolved now. I'll try to get it up within the hour!
    I just realized, we'll have to wait on that battle of ours, even if we do come up with a new arena. I'm already at the limit.
    I've only beaten four and am on my fifth :(

    You're disconnected. "Amp failed to respond." "Amp seems to be busy." Then you teleported away. ._.
    How about immediately? I'll go now and wait.

    Randomness is a gift.

    No I don't, but okay.
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