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Eta Carinae
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  • limit as x approaches infinity of one over x.

    The number gets smaller and smaller as we approach infinity, so yes. P(x) is zero in this case.

    And probabilities can only be from 0 to 1, so it's impossible for a probability to be infinity. Also, infinity is a concept, not a number, which means it doesn't exist. Then again, we can argue that the entirety of mathematics is just our imagination.
    Well, yes. Their internet could shut down and they could all get DQ'd. So theoretically, we have a probability of winning P(W)>0. However, I do think that our chances are

    ................... herp derp can you tell that was direct copy-pasted? Or it could be automatic lose, depending on how you look at it? Or tie?

    60% is still the majority though. D: I'm scared.
    I'll be watching your tourney battle with Denryu with great interest. :D Your battle is the only one with an outcome I'm not very sure about.

    Rest assured, if you do advance, I'll probably die alongside with you next round.

    (why yes this is the same message I sent to bulbasaur)
    Yeah, but you still lost, when all is said and done. :(

    I can honestly say of both of our positions in the tournament: it's been a good run. We're in the top 25% of the league, and one of us will be in the top 12%. Let's try our best and hope for the best. And if we do, there's nothing to regret and no shame in yielding our spot to the one who truly is the best.
    I just noticed: I could guess next round: Negrek, Kratos Aurion, Crazy Linoone, Blazhy, and one of us. Whoever advances is so screwed.

    It's funny to see all of the other poor souls going up against big names (you feel sorry for Mai?). I do feel lucky, however, that I'm not going up against Negrek or Byrus as they're going against each other.
    Well, you're talking to Mr. Would Rather be Eaten by a Panda than Live in a World Without Math :P

    You weren't even involved with that, and you dread it? Oh my.
    I'd be upset if math homework were any easier than anticipated. I need a challenge, sometimes!

    The scroll stuff doesn't see too complicated to me. The only problem I could see with having something too complicated is that no one would want to ref my battles. Which is already happening with my arenas (remember that?).
    Ah. You know me well, then. Huge giant wall of text abound! Actually, how complicated is too complicated? Are there any sig moves/attributes rejected on the grounds of being too complicated?
    I should really make some signature attributes for my Pokémon, but I can't get any inspiration. From where do you draw your inspiration?
    Eh, her house looks like shit in and out, and she's making me do stuff about it when I have a shit ton of homework. Actually we haven't fought much yet while I've been here. MOstly due to my shit ton of homework plus the fact that I took a nap before she got home yesterday and then woke up 18 hours later.
    I see. According to my join date, I joined almost three years ago. I found the main site from the personality quiz. I came upon that from Eonlight Valley (now dead). I came upon that when Googling for Pokémon personality tests. I first stumbled upon TCoD in February 2008. I didn't even know that TCoD had a forums until Butterfree posted on the main site saying that the forums were wiped out and that there was going to be a new one.:P
    That, they are :3

    That is going in my sig.

    When did you join TCoDf? How did you find out about its existence?
    Yup :3 He cries a lot, though, often without reason.

    "People with glasses attract babies' eyesight". Really? My dad wears glasses all the time, but me and my mom only wear them periodically and not while in the presence of the baby.
    I did the same for Chinese. Now, I have like an hour of homework due tomorrow.

    It's more like my sleep has been disrupted for a several days because of baby crying tired :( Although I've managed to stay asleep every time he cries, I don't feel as refreshed in the morning, if you know what I mean.
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