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  • Yeah I'll be on Thanksgiving break on Tharsday and Friday. And I didnt even know you had a cough.
    You're twelve? Shit, I'm almost 12. I'l be twelve in less than a month! =D

    It is possible. It becomes better. In "May the best pet win", the first musical number of season two totally makes up for Fluttershy's lack of appearance in the two episodes before that. You should also watch "Cutie Pox" It's awesome. The only episode I have not seen is winter wrap up, and I'm watching it on youtube right now! =D
    Awesome. Season two is where it gets better. If you look at the theme song in season two, there's a train, where as there wasn't one in season 1's theme song. If you look closely at the train, you'll see that madame foster is in the train. (Madame foster from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, that is) Dont believe me? see for yourself! Although it's fairly small, s you'll have to look closely at the train a clouple of times. =D
    Pretty good :D
    Except I got up wanting toaster waffles. So I tioasted the toaster waffles. And put butter on them. And we /didn't have syrup/ D: WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. Oh well, I ish putting peanut butter and strawberry jam on them, so xD /randompointlessrambling

    Well, I tend to VM her more, and we seem to have a lot in common... But I still consider you both my friends on the same level. Some of thr first ones I had here, so that won't go away very soon.
    Sorry I had to leave last night. It was like quarter to ten here, so I had to get off. DAMMIT EAST COAST It seems like we're only able to have a conversation on weekends.
    I see you're a new brny? Welcome to the herd, >=D! But if you want to see what i mean look up that episode of duckman.
    Yeah, it really is not cool. I had that feeling earlier this year about __________ and I was in denial for a while.
    And you're welcome. :>
    Well, I sincerely wish you luck. I really hope it comes back.
    If anything, I'm rooting for you!
    That must, quite frankly, suck. I hope it somehow comes back...

    What about the other one?
    I'm with you. My reality is driving me up the wall, so I rely on my fantasies to get me through the day.
    ... If that makes sense.
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