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  • Hmm... I talked to the clerk and he told me the same thing; that it was a lady bundled in a Flame Cloak. I've known her to be of flames... so it's probably her. He also told me that he is a master of air spells.
    Hello so do I just post my role-play idea as new thread in the RP lounge or do I have to fill out some form
    So, first go to this tutorial.
    And if you have any questions, ask me :D

    Yes, GO US :D *hopehopehope*
    I could explain if you want to try it...
    And I think they post on the thread saying if you're accepted, and if not then they post there stating why you didn't and what to improve on. And you can try every week, you know. Approval day is Saturday~
    I was thinking about taking chorus for next year. But I already turned in my paper T^T
    I'm not very sure of myself, but I do know that one part for sure XD

    (Also, do you play Mafia?)
    ...no, that's only after at the end I thought...then maybe I'm just off. And the description should've said that Allatar had a hard time moving, etc.
    ...you have a few problems there. It's overall really good, but you forgot that Allatar (the Riolu) is PARALYZED. And that before he used Rain Dance, the weather was Hail. EDIT IT NOW BEFORE SATURDAY SERIOUSLY
    ...sorry for asking, but it doesn't specify your gender.

    Anyways, my sports are swimming and track, but they take up ALL OF MY TIME. >.< I want to get into soccer, though.
    Yeah, I'm gone 5-6. Piano practicing. I'll be home, just not at the computer. And I'll go look!
    Yeah, but maybe they should give us a little more. I don't like hw but still they might try and work us :o I have P.E. and Media Helper as my electives and I don't get homework in those :D
    Hey. I saw it, and it wasn't all that sad. I think that's my third "I'M BACK!!!!!" thread, though. XD I actually have a social life that sometimes I get caught up in. (plus sports, sports, and more sports. And color guard tryouts. And a talent show. AUGH) Eh, I'm pretty bored now, though. I'm on spring break XD Oh well, my friend's coming over later :D
    We haven't had a lot of homework lately :/ Today we just have a worksheet in math and language arts, they don't work us hard enough.
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