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  • I'd put in sprites and customize it a bit more id I were you, but it'll work fine as it is. Also, make sure you put in small text between each action (not move, action), showing how the pokémon's health and energy have changed then.

    I'm assuming Riolu missed on the last action?

    By the way, at the end of all of them, you ought to tell Negrek that she forgot the Castform's ability.
    Only problem I can really find is that you have to stay in-tense. Either past-tense or present-tense. So the first sentence should probably be changed. Otherwise, it looks good!
    Hmm... I... I know some Deliberate magicks. That is when you make something happen on purpose, and not through luck. But... I'm not sure if I could utilize it properly. I'm still in training for this sort of thing.

    (It could.)
    Glace, this is your banner...hope you like it~

    I'm making banners for my friends, do you want me to make one? I'm guessing you like Glaceon.
    For weather moves, I usually put duration at three rounds, or 9 actions. I've seen some people do it both ways, five rounds or five actions.

    Usually, if it was caused by a specifically status-inducing move, then it's severe. If it was a side-effect of a move it's usually less so. Most of all, it's really just up to you. Oh yeah, and they sometimes fade after a while (Paralysis, mostly)
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