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  • Ah. XD Hi. :D
    Im Ally,btw,but you can call me Kitteh if you rather x3
    Nice to meet you x]
    *all pegasi divert their attention, I am the only one who follows you to the barn. Unfortunately, I am very nonathletic and I starts panting and slowing down immediately until I lose you*
    Ohaii there '.'

    If by he you mean Cloud? And imply he's been talking about me? I guess I am. x] Hello. :D
    *one of the pegasi, a certain wall-eyed grey mare, eats all of your muffins*
    If you don't post soon though, I'm going to have to remove you. I'm giving everyone who's been inactive about a week, since the RP's been sort of dead. Also, I've yanked the EXP System, so... that makes things five times easier now. You don't have to compete with anybody anyway.
    What if I told you it was a fic involving ponies?

    But, uh, I've only written a rough draft of the first chapter and a few selections so far.
    Lesse here...
    - two not-quite-AMVs, one of which is almost done but I can't quite finish, and another one that's eventually going to be half an hour long
    - a fan fic
    - reading The Odyssey (for school, unfortunately) and writing comprehensive notes on it
    - making this stupid blog for one of my teachers why did I ever agree to do this

    ...and yeah, that's it pretty much. Not to mention writing reffings which is pretty much routine at this point.
    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- ILU *supermegaawesomeflyingpowertacklemid-airglomp*
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