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  • well damn. how does that work?

    I beat Whitney on my first try this time |D Poison is terrific on Miltank.
    Today? Haha

    As much as I'd like that, I doubt I could. D: Even though it's pretty hot outside
    I don't make my ingame teams with competitive battling in mind. x3 I chose a team full of NUs for the sole purpose of raising the difficulty level

    ... it's working. x3
    hmm well I kind of started over but Butterfree/Meganium/Togetic/Flareon/Quagsire/Hypno

    yeah I decided to use a team of all NUs just for kicks. x3
    Really? Well, I don't think we're going to do it this summer. I don't want to go without my dad. He'd really enjoy it.
    xD Poor girl. But I really want to go~ D:

    Wave pool? Master blaster? x:
    Still lucky~

    I wanted go on on the ride where they like strap you in, and lift you high into the air. Then they let you go and you just swing over the crowd. I was gonna do it with my dad, but he left before we got to. D:
    Hm, that's interesting. All I know is that New Braunfels is about an hour away from Austin by car.

    But oh well, you're still lucky. C:
    Are you sure? Where at in Austin? The only one I know of is in New Braunfels. o:

    Oh good. C: It sounds adorable
    >:( I still haven't been. Probably won't this year. The one in New Braunfels, right? I only saw parts of it when I went tubing down the Comal River.

    Awww. Poor kiwi. xD
    The Warrior Cats one. :P

    Really?! Oh, I be going to downtown today! We were watching some food show on tv called something like "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" and there was this guy talking about how he found this amazing crepe in Austin. So we're going today~ :D Nutella and chocolate and fruit crepe ftw~
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