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  • But I don't think what I have to say will do anything with your "unstableness"

    :] though, I am covered in bug bites. >=[
    ehhh.... please don't be offended, plus you seem really mature with serious topics.

    but I don't know you as well as Typh, so...
    I'm a Steel type.


    *Pulls out sai's and delivers a blunt end flurry of strikes*
    it's complicated. but there is someone i really like. i just can't have, which is frustrating.

    but Typh made me much better, I poured my heart out to her, it was great ♥
    yeah, but the thing is, I can't tell if they're going to be dumbasses until it's already too late. And then when they crush me like that, my self-esteem lowers, I fall. It's not pretty.

    But I just honestly miss the feeling of being held by someone and looking up to see them smiling at you and making you laugh..
    My progress with it will be pretty slow though, I'm afraid - I haven't had much inspiration to write these days =/

    And sure; I'll send you the first chapter when I get around to brushing it up and typing it. Some of the main characters are dragons, and it's an adventure story, the first of a trilogy, including many mythical creatures =x
    I... am extremely lonely. I really wish I had someone, like my friends are in love with their significant others. I know I'm just 15, but there's this hole, ever seen I've been lied to by guys.

    And at this point I don't think anyone would want me or I even deserve anyone. ._.

    And I could never do anything to myself.
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