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    ... actually a half a year. where I live, you can get a permit at 15 and a half, and your liscence at 16.
    yay! I'm so excited, I may be getting an Itouch. And, I'll only be a year and a half a way from a driver's permit. and... other things, but I forgot them.
    Urugamosu is uncommon ingame, but you can get practically anything ingame rofl. I highly doubt it'll be an uncommon Pokemon in ingame teams.
    LOL Good luck with that. Someone halfway across the world may be using that Pokemon you want to use. And someone else may want to use that other Pokemon you want to use, etc.
    Wikipedia can explain Rocky Horror better than me.

    You should watch Glee too, it's pretty cool and funny imo.
    :O You should. It's like, one of the best films I've ever seen, and I only saw it last month. Infinitely quotable, and I have the soundtrack on my iPod~

    Although I can imagine it's not for everyone.
    watwat that's from the rocky horror picture show.
    ...Except the Donkey part but hey.

    Apologies for the amount of Glee there is, then :3
    Bwahah, thanks :') I'm afraid my Tumblr isn't all that interesting in the long run, but thanks for your offer of thievery :3
    Same with me! I struggle to open the door because of how much snow has built up against it.

    Well anyways, this afternoon, I went outside and just stood in the middle of the street. There were cars going at 5 MPH and I'm sure I was visible from a longass distance away. Despite that, as soon as they saw some kid in the middle of the street, they swerved to the next lane as if there was a dog running in front of them.

    tl;dr irl street troll
    It might have something to do with the fact you posted it back in November.

    Is it snowy as fuck in Tulsa? (of course it is)
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