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  • That last line was full of typos. Uhh... what were you trying to say? xD;

    Also, Typh seems to be reluctant with me teaming with you, so shall we settle with the previous arrangement?
    Yeah well too late. I already posted in the registration office.

    You could always have Negrek think up of an attribute for you, though, provided you have the EXP to spare. *points you to the Lacuna Labs*
    Hey, Green, would you rather have a rather high damage cap - say, around 50% - or a low damage cap - that is, around 35% - for our battle?
    Well, ASB has a solid core of practicality to it. Just passing off something as magic won't net you your attribute. You might wanna go around and read some other move mods/attributes to get a general idea.
    Erm... You do know that you need a feasible explanation to go along with mods in ASB, right? I don't think you'll get far with a ~magic~ Zapdos costume.

    Additionally, you can always slap the mod on after I give the Torchic to you, so yeah, you don't need to tell me 'bout the mods. *pops off*
    Yeah, 'course. I've bought a bazillion Pokemon for other people. I'd be willing to buy you, ah, say up to 50$ worth of Pokemon, or up to 3 Pokemon, whichever limit is reached first.
    Refer to his/her usertitle.
    Okay, all blasphemy aside, she's actually a girl. :P

    Well, technically you don't have the money, since you've already gone through your first purchase. But if you want, I could always buy you one. *waves $700+ around*
    I knew you were joking about the Kratos thing xP He probably wouldn't be interested in our battle, anyway.

    But hey, I'm fine with teaming up with anyone, save for Kam, since this sort of substitutes for the battle we were supposed to have.

    I would tell you to buy a Lileep but you don't have enough money :P
    I wouldn't count on it. I've beaten Kratos before. :P

    Well, I would be fine with teaming with you, but ask the others first.
    Yeah, I checked through her convos with you and she said she's good. But she said that you should go train first xP Might I sugest getting a Dusk Stone so you can actually, you know, evolve your Skelitten?
    Also, I probably won't go easy on you guys, so get ready.

    ...yes. Yes, rape her with balls. What else would I rape her with?
    Well, seems like he's okay with it. MF seems okay with it as well. Mmkay, I accept~ Have you told Typh yet?

    Also, what stage?

    *snickers* Fine, then. Watch as I rape Pancake with Shadow Balls >:D
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