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  • hng... yes, unfortunately, don't know how I ended up in that situation. Watching that place fall apart from the inside was something spectacular though. l: I was always at odds with the rest of the mods/admins though because it seemed I was the only one with the foresight to tell who was going to be an issue or not. Finally quit about a year back after a certain long-time mod got admin and with it a major power trip, took on the 'I'm always right' attitude no matter how many times you disprove his arguments.
    Not to mention, the OTHER long time mod, who got admin, quit, trolled the place, then acted all sorry and got -back in as an admin-. Gods that place was a disaster zone with those people.
    Pink happens to be my least favourite colour. My mom forces it on me so much and aaa ;~; It doesn't help that I'm a tomboy, so people are always like "Why are you wearing so much pink?"

    And you changed your avatar.
    ... ;~;
    The adults helping is good.

    Kids though -- fuck them. You could always tell about the punching thing (okay so I never do that, but I'm also apprently fucking scary. A default expression of >| helps sometimes but never mind) and ask them why you're such a freak in the first place. Duck all blows he/she may try and land on you. If their reasons are faulty they have no ground, and you can think of a hundred ways they're jerks. Remind yourself that you're just as good as them, if not better. If they say something that hits close to home, you could always tell someone, and ask them if you're really like that, which you probably won't be. Chris, people would miss you if you go. I'd miss you. I'd feel bad about not being able to do anything. Half of the people I know usually want to kill themselves, and even though no one has, to my knowledge, it never feels right to not do anything. If people here love you and respect you, then why do you need them? Remember this place.
    Butbut--Ignore them! Suicide won't do anything to help that. I get teased relenquently, ever day, usually get spit on and called a freak so much it's commonplace now. Do you think that's why I've thought of killing myself? No. Only reason I wanted to do it is because having organ failure kinda sucks and whenit gets bad enough as to not be able to sleep, you want to get it over with, and even then, just a though that crosses your mind. Won't do anything to help if dying's what you're trying to prevent in the first place.

    Snark back. Ignore them. Get caught up in activities to distance youself. Anything except killing yourself. If it's adults, fuck them too.
    I see. Talk to someone, Chris. I'm in your boat. Considered it? Not the best idea.

    What's going on in your life that makes you wanna do this, huh? I'll tell you right now: you aren't fixing a thing by wanting to go through with this.
    Yeah, I know. I never said Slushies were bad. I meant that most flavor water tastes all..mineral-y. In a bad way. So.

    Plus pretty much every drink (except tea, and that's were iced tea comes in) tastes better cold. Even hot cchocolate. Frozen coffee would be fucking delicious.
    Bathrobes are awesome. It's too bad that mine's pink.

    :0 Aren't those kinda like pixel-overs? In any case you like Froslass a lot don't you.
    Haha, just think of it as a robe. Yeah, a bathrobe. Then you'll be fine!
    Though yeah you should wear jeans in any case

    xD; I hated Ice Path more.
    And I really should, but it's not like I have the time to anyway. ._.
    ...Would they? I think it'd be cool.

    Then again, most people in my school (who are relatively close-minded) think that people who randomly cosplay for no reason are weird and need a life.
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