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  • You could always go to PC, it's my homeforum. Sorry, I keep forgetting about this place. Yeah, altaria asked for it but I liked it so decided to use it in my hack too.
    Eevee doesn't have '-eon' in it :U

    he strangles Celebi at some point and throws Zorua around and is generally mean <3
    also he has sideburns I CANNOT RESIST SIDEBURNS
    Because it's the prettiest of the -eons :U Plus it's pretty durable :D

    on an unrelated note: I watched the 13th pokemon movie and fgdaahfjdfsh the bad guy is awesome, that is why I had to change my avatar and sig <3
    Glitter (Vaporeon), Magishroom (Breloom), Nazihound (Houndoom) and Pottuvarv (Aggron) [plus Sniba (Mawile) and Sneeek (Arbok) for status-ailment purposes]. P:
    They're a pretty good ass-kicking team :D

    Not yet, I'm still battlin' through Citadark Isle P: I have a real cool team and it's fun and agsfjadbhaknal

    Yeah ! I was hoping you'd want BW, I like the style (though I haven't done much in it) :D

    Woops sorry for not responding earlier, I haven't been on the interwebs that much the last few days (too busy playing Gale of Darkness) O:
    If I get into a spriting mood I might as well try to make a sprite (what style, RSE, DPPt or BW?).

    Gryphons? Sounds pretty cool, methinks. P:
    No, but you can set squirrels on fire.


    also you can fly and shoot things and recover people's stolen brains and other shit


    Point is, it's fun.
    What? No, I got a call from YOUR house, and I answered.
    Now go get that elephant out of your pants.
    Keep your shirt on please.
    There's an elephant in your pants?
    No, I don't want to go look at it.
    Leave me alone you stalker.
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