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  • ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA-wait wait wrong thing

    ...feels ghers* Outside, yes. Inside, bitten. I think a lot, and as a result...lol bleeding. It doesn't taste really bad, actually.

    ...annnd I just sqicked you out, didn't I Dx
    Well that was a given. I'm not really...well...uh..crap. your Milage May Vary, I don't like poeple in real life so much.

    And being a guy wouldn't be terrible in my case. I would be abel to pass off as one too, if my hair wasn't so long.
    Awww. :( Well, I thought it was very complicated too, but it's less complicated than I thought it was. Most people who sign up to the league do so with little trouble.

    Not to mention I want to give my Lileep another spin to see just how good he is at pissing people off.
    Repeat kindergarten? Now that's just plain weird in my opinion. O_o Also, I don't see how your birthday was the cause for you to repeat kindergarten. Hmm...

    Gah, I feel too sick right now to think logically. X_X
    That's alright, I respect your decision to decline my offer.

    Oh, grade six. Heh, I thought you were in grade seven; recently I seem to be meeting a lot of 11 to 12 year old kids who are in grade seven. Kids... I really envy them nowadays for the experience they're having which I never got during my childhood. ;~;
    D: I was eating blueberries just now. They're great.
    Though they go bad too easily and I almost always consume a few bad ones by accident >.>
    Huh. You remind me of...me, kinda. Just switch genders and whatnot.
    Ahhhh, I see. Well, we all gotta start somewhere. Just be yourself.

    Well have you ever watched House before? It's actually not as pronounced, but becuase the limp-cramps move from leg to leg and really hurt, I sometimes do need a cane. A flaming cane >:D
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