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  • Can I visit your box fortress sometime? I like square buildings.

    You know, when I read 'lumpy cows' I got the most disturbing image of a cow warped horribly out of shape Dx
    Perhaps! It is a galaxy where Oreos rule!

    That, and that fancy cows give fancy milk. So... rotten cows give rotten milk, I'd assume?
    Possibly even a different galaxy. :0

    Just like chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows, eh? :D I learned something new today.
    She should! Chuck-E-Cheese's profits would go through the roof.

    Well, yes, but unless the milk is fancy (is there such thing as fancy milk) then the cheese tree won't be fancy.
    We have this pretty insane one this year, actually. She doesn't tolerate the slightest noise. :x Whenever she substitutes, at least one person gets sent to the hallway.

    Yeah, but then the cheese tree will be smelly D:
    Me neither, but the word itself mostly consists of prefixes and suffixes which makes it easy to spell (but that's just me). Spelling it is just as fun as spelling onomatopoeia. :3

    Gah, diction problem! ;~; In any case, all that I basically said was, "I was not online the day before and now I'm on the day after yesterday."
    ...On second thought, forget what I even said in this section of the message. :S
    Sometimes? ALL THE TIME :D Unless they're super-strict, or something.

    Ah xD Yes, old milk does taste nasty. Once we left the milk in the fridge for too long and it actually formed weird clumps.
    Correction: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. x3

    Oops, my bad. I wasn't on yesterday, and now it's already past tomorrow and future time as of present. :3
    I like to salvage 'Made in China' stickers to stick on my forehead. Even though I'm technically not made in China.
    We used to trade nametags in elementary school though. It confused substitute teachers so much :D

    ...Is your stomach alright? D: Sour milk = evil.
    Alrighty then. I wasn't forcing you anyway. Got any more sprites that I may be able to see? :3
    Hmm, it sounds like you distribute tidbits that we may add to our signatures. OwO If that's the case, you should make a sprite request shop— that is if you are up to the task.
    Naw, the site is usually buggy, so I doubt it's your computer. =/

    Anyway, who distributes the eggs and where can I get one— that is if I'm interested?
    Okay, now you just posted the same message again for a fourth time. ^^;
    Um, you posted your message 3 times in a row. ^^;

    Anyhow, it's funny 'cause my Jolteon portrait is one of my best DA submissions. xD
    Also, please do explain. *Is confuzzled*

    Vancouver is an awesome place, isn't it? Even though I only stayed there for about two weeks.
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