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  • i have his mom's number on my contacts.
    like literally. ____'s Mom since I don't feel like letting loose names
    You should!

    The entire point of listening to that CD is that its so terribly corny you can't help but laugh. My favorite song in there has the line 'Santa a Pikachu for Christmas', which sung by Proffessor Oak. :D

    Also good luck to Bill and his quest to be the very best.
    Oddly enough, I'm having beef-flavored ramen at the moment. (We met at camp and ramen and I have been lovers ever since.)

    I will then whenever I get the chance. :D

    It's always great hearing stories behind usernames and double meaning are cool beans.

    I've only casually listened to Green Day, because I'm too busy listening to classic rock-ish stuff and stuff that is the Pokémon Christmas CD.

    Chowder's the unfortunate exception.
    My username Spoon came about after I could not think of an interesting new usename for the then new forums and had a sudden spark of inspriration after I grabbed a spoon to eat a bowl of cereal (or possibly one of ramen; I don't remember.) It also might of been inspired by a project I did on the history of sporks, which were originally called spoon-forks. So, I usually use the name Spoon-Fork, but TCoD's the exception. [/long backstory] Spooncelot has a wonderful ring to it. If you don't mind, I might use it somewhere if I ever join a new forum/oekaki.

    I know you've gone through a fair amount of usernames, but are there any you're particularly fond of? I think of you as KronoGreen, to be honest.

    Derpy things are always great. <3~

    Food based names are always the best. I'm so tempted to get a Breloom and name it the oh-so-punny Truffles.
    I kinda wish I had an interesting alias like that; the only nickname I have had is 'Not Fish' and that's only because an inside joke.

    Your team's pretty spiffy, and I approve of the Wooper love. On my HeartGold team there's Typhlosion (Obsidian), Lanturn (Rea), Furret (Syrup), Xatu (Mint), Sandslash (Aftershock), and Umbreon (Overcast). For some reason the past few starters I've gotten have been female and Obsidian's continued that streak.
    I'm just a big fan of otters and sea lions (and unicorn whales), so I'm a sucker for Daikenki. Whenever I go to the zoo, I always visit the otters and sea lions, too. <3~

    Hope this team works out better. Do you pre-plan your teams or just make it up as you go?

    It's like braces, but more plasticity and noisy (and somewhat painful) to take off so you can eat.
    Yay! :] I love Saturdays, nothing to do but just lounge around, playing video games and watching movies.
    And my burns are pretty much fine now. And my hair is still curly and stuff. Whoo <3

    How is your Saturday going? C:
    The starter Pokémon are always really cool, but Johto has my favorite set. Although, Daikenki/Narwotter is probably my favorite starter.

    How's your current game going, then? I'm guessing you didn't go with Feralgatr this time. I used to restart my games time to time, but I felt super guilty afterwards.

    The Crystal sprite is my favourite Typhlosion sprite. They haven't managed to get it quite right anytime after.
    ...Don't you have dinner to save room for?

    ...Oh, who am I kidding.

    *tries to nom on Chris' candy*
    It's been 13 days since Halloween.

    It's probably as bad as my English dub of Nico Nico Medley now.
    Aw, I've gotten attachted to the guy after working on him. Although, he's still my least favorite Johto starter. However, Ferilgatr does have some tough competition.

    On that note, your avatar is wonderfully nostalgic. Typhlosion still has one of my favorite Crystal's animations. <3
    Unfortunately, I had to restart on it after the clay dried out too much, since I have the terrible habit of not keeping the sculpture airtight when I'm not working on it. However, I am working on the guy and he'll be one of my larger sculptures at about half a foot (or 16 centimeters.) I've had a bit of trouble attaching his spikes and keeping them properly shaped. The Black and White backsprites have helped me out a bunch, though; otherwise, I would have missed a few details. I'm still finalizing his pose, and I've been distracted by a few other things, mainly school and a bit of laziness. However, I think he'll turn out nicely. On I'm done, I'll have to find a way to upload a picture of him, because my camera has been wonky lately. I'll probably borrow my sister's camera or something.
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