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  • So I don't get to hear about Nesu? becauseifthishasanythingtodowithearthboundyouknowi'min
    Fail much?

    Autumn Mebuki is my favorite :<

    I haven't seen Victreebel... I'm still looking for Kangaskhan
    They move the same but the antlers are different. And the fluffy places (compare summer to the others). :v More interesting than Shiki's variations, at least.
    here are the other two seasons you probably haven't found since you were looking for the winter one!
    Well, I start new files quite a bit. I suppose I've "killed" quite a few Pokemon, save for perhaps some of my oldest and dearest if I was able to move them to another game.

    This is obvious, but the Pokemon themselves are merely data. So if you delete them, if their worth to you was sentimental and not game-related, nothing is lost. It's only your perception of them as if they were real and alive that you grow attached to, not their existence in your game. They're just as alive as they used to be.

    In other words: Don't worry, they didn't feel anything.
    The whole having to trade with Metal Coat is slightly annoying, if that's what you mean. Trade evolutions can be inconvenient if you haven't the means.

    Are those tears of joy? Flaming moths that aren't burnt and dead are epic.
    Scizor is awesome.

    Gen V has some of the best bugs, in my opinion. Pendoraa, Denchura, and Ulgamoth, as well as Shubarugo, for instance.
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