• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

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  • Hey, do you wanna join my PMD RP? It's called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon The Time Paradox.
    True dat. But let's put it this way: I'm sd thinking about what I would be missing out on if you weren't here.
    Your request is up in The Place Where You Request Stuff and in Everart.
    Oh my, this place has a way of luring me in, even when I try not to come >.<
    XD! Other people, i have no idea if they'll read it or not, but i'll be sure to read it and comment on it! (when poeple comment on stuff, more people will usually read and also comment!)

    But dont worry, i'll read it! =P
    if you want to write what ever you want, then damn it, write whatever the hell you want! If you like your writing andif you want to write, then by all means, make a short story thread!

    I think you should make one. if you want to make a writing thread, then make one! =P
    wait a second now I'm confused

    did I give a shout out to something I've never heard of?
    hey, on the Cafe of doom, i forfeited out pretend battle and made a new one! =D

    oh, and can you read my pokefan fic called "a hero is born"? I wanna see if people will like my story.

    EDIT: oh, and i gave you a friend request! =D
    Awww... By then :'( See you Monday or Tuesday, I won't be on tomorrow.
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