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I liek Squirtles

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  • Wait, what?? I'm confused...EDIT: Nevermind :sweatdrop:. And something I wanted to do: :.:.:.::::::.:.:::.....
    Just something. No message like I've seen.
    Hi. The challenge is now posted, but someone else took it. I'm searching for some ref to take it. Just decided I would keep you posted. Also, your Javi guy/sprite guy was done. It's on the thread.
    Yo Squirtle, it wasn't posted. It's there now, check it out. Thank you!
    ~Your Friend
    Oh, hey! Wanna battle in the ASB? I'm all set up and ready to go! I just have to ask in the Challenge Board still...oopsies.
    I have an in-game team, if that's what you mean. And yes, basically level 100-mode acts as if your pokémon were level 100.
    I joined. But only because LiLiJANA is my friend. I don't hate My Little Pony, but I don't care at all.
    Hahahahahahahahahahaha. I look at the 34 year old people on YouTube spriting, and I'm like,"Wow. Am I really that good?" Oh, and I learned how to revamp from TCoD. The splicing part came from me watching videos, than thinking 'I can do it better!' The meme; Oh yeah, I heard the meme. I can't go and say to my friend that I like Mudkip without some friend saying,"So I herd u liek mudkipz" Well, usually they write it down.
    My Little Pony Club? I don't know yet...I'm neutral...and I'm a girl, too. I'm not very girly...
    Ah, so that's how old you are. You didn't have age here before..but hey, you were editing profile like it said.
    No, that's why I need Wi-Fi We have connection, but it's WPA and not WEP. That's a shame, my mom even has the password...hey, how were the sprites?
    No, I could always try, though...
    EDIT: Er, fine. I liek Giratinas. Happy now?:grin:
    EDIT 2: I know the meme. But it ruined Mudkip.
    Oh, yeah, of course! That was just a casual offer—I know full well how impossible it is to have a spontaneous battle. It HAS to be planned in advance. Anyway.
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