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I liek Squirtles

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  • It's a setting in Wi-fi battles. On wifi, there's a setting called "level 100 all". Choose that. Also, you wanna battle?
    Um, well, if it's something I'll need more than once then I tend to make a JavaScript generator for it, but you could just use random.org, I guess.
    I'm not a business approver, I just tend to point out things that I see need fixing because Negrek doesn't come through too often. Talk to her about it please.
    If that's all you're offering, then I'm not sure anyone would be really interested. But you can try it and see. No one's gonna kill you for it. Also, I finished spriting Lanary.
    Hitmonlee is up there on the list, I will be showcasing him for now and plan to use him in Black/White
    It depends. First of all, Negrek has to post it on the "Challenges awaiting for referee" board, and then a Referee has to accept to ref the challenge. It can happen in few days if we're lucky, but if we're not it can take weeks.
    Got a digital camera? That'd work as well.

    Alternatively, Paintscribble, but it really needs to be better than that earlier one. I'm not asking for works of art, but I'm thinking of this rather than this.
    Oh yeah.

    Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize.

    Well, first you need to get onto an image host. I use tinypic. Once you register, you can upload your image onto there, and then it will give you four text-box-things; copy the text from "IMG bbcode for forums" and then paste that into your post.
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