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I liek Squirtles

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  • Would you like a haiku?


    Eh? Is haiku?
    Is haiku! Tommorrow,
    no, is not haiku. :( )

    simplest I can think of with my limited Japanese grammar skills at the moment. Just adding to your collection~
    Yeah, that makes sense. It always weirds me out to remember that Courtney is a year below me in school, because, like... my brother is in the same grade... no...

    Right. Didn't consider that. But yeah, I never thought about how size would affect something like that! I would probably have a blast because I'm tall and heavyset but have like the shortest legs ever. My physique is comparable to that of Wario. It does seem fun, though, and it's cool that you got to try it out! Since circus stuff isn't really available elsewhere, really.

    It would, but if you don't change the clock, you'll be going to sleep while it's still light in the summer, and it'll be dark for hours before you go down in the winter.
    Liking someone fourteen years old is creepy, huh? *quickly gets out the mind erase ray and makes you forget about Courtney* I most definitely agree.

    Learning theory is... boring? I can think of at least one person who disagrees! But yeah, I'm sure actually doing it would be a lot more fun. Were you any good at it? And oh, that is interesting. This camp is an annual thing and not a one-time deal, then? How often have you gone?

    Uhhh, it... might serve some kind of historical purpose, I guess, but to my knowledge the only point is because the sunset comes earlier or later depending on the time of year, so daylight savings makes it so you get the same amount of light in your day all year. That's what I've always taken away from it, anyway.
    Oh, that's pretty cool! When girls are asking to take pictures with you, you know you did something right. Or really, really wrong. Here's hoping you did it right, though.

    Oh, that is fun! I've never been to a circus in my memory despite coming from Sarasota, so like... mostly I just see that stuff on tv. And it seems super cool! Did you get to actually do any of it, or did you just learn about the theory?

    Daylight... savings... silly? That's preposterous! Daylight savings is totally necessary and not a waste of time and effort at all.
    Oh, well, that's good, kind of! I'm just glad to be back and it's really good to hear things are going better for you! I've never been to a convention, how was comic-con? Did you cosplay? And the camp seems really fun, except... circus? That seems sort of odd. Theatre and art go hand-in-hand in a lot of ways, and then there's just. Circus.

    Yes, I think we're six hours apart. That's if you're on Eastern time, which I'd always assumed you were.
    It has been, I'm sorry about that! Between end-of-school-year stuff and stress and moving I decided it would probably be better to just not worry about Internet stuff for awhile. >_> I meant to send you a skype message buuuuut my stuff got taken so uh that didn't work out.

    Things are... different! In some respects they're better but in others they're worse. At the very least I'm not having the same exact problems as you last heard so that's a plus side, at least! What about you, how are things working out on your side?
    Haha hey! Thanks for the concern compadre. Honestly I was (obviously) a little out of whack when I posted that, but I guess I needed to tell _someone_ and TCoD was the only place I could think of
    No, it was Ronaldo. Here's the clip.

    Steven Universe is an excellent show. The first few episodes didn't quite draw me in at first, but after that, hoooooly crap was I hooked.
    Right, well, I've always been obsessed with snakes, but there was an episode of Steven Universe where a character says the line "Snake people, or sneople, control our government at the highest level!" and ever since then, adding "sn-" to words has been a meme, mostly on tumblr.

    I am meme-loving trash, but I also genuinely love snakes.
    this will be my happiest of birthdays (though maybe it would look better as Eifiwag)
    Whoa hey, you're back! I was a bit worried you'd disappeared, and right before our tournament battle too.
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