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  • I tried it, and the density of it kind of put me off. Which is weird, seeing as I had no problem with Words of Radiance...

    Nah, I hear sophomore year is pretty shitty in general, but I'm in a handful of not-sophomore classes so it might suck a little less. Also, the electives are pretty cool here (there's a computer-animation/game design class. like, both in the same class), and it's my first year of public high school, so hopefully all that might offput it a little.
    Fair enough. I haven't heard of much Spanish literature, so I was just curious how it stacked up. Apparently French literature is pretty good! I haven't read a lot of it but my mum has and she likes it.

    Also yesss I feel the same way! Except this... is... my sophomore year. I got a lot of cool classes, I picked them last week.
    I always think I respond to your messages for some reason. And then I check and I never did.

    It's kind of a lot! But on the other hand, my mum had six hundred people just in her graduating class, so apparently six hundred is fairly small by some standards.

    Oh! Well. I redact that statement, then. How does Spanish literature measure up compared to English?
    Well, six hundred just in the high school. The total school-going population is probably quite a bit larger than that.

    Oh, man, that kind of sucks. Double trouble. I used to have to read German and Spanish and French stuff but it was all painfully simple (not... literature) so it wasn't so bad. Mainly, the teachers were just lazy, so they gave us books and told us to translate as best we could, or they put on a French copy of the Aristocats or something.
    Ah, thank you. Hopefully I'll get some good classes, but seeing as all of the students that attended last year already picked theirs, I may or may not be getting the scraps. The good part is that my school only has six hundred students, so I might have a better chance at getting good classes. I'm pretty excited for precalc...!

    Huh. Well, it's good that they weren't too bad, then. Are Spanish and English literature considered different classes?
    Fair enough. Relatedly...

    Yeah, they usually pick them before school ends here, but since I'm transferring in... well, I could hardly pick classes last year, seeing as I wasn't here. I think my counsellour meeting is on Wednesday, though...?

    I don't usually mind— I read a lot on my own, anyway— but I feel like school reading material always consists of the driest, most obscure shit on the face of the earth. I wouldn't mind it so much if I was actually interested in what I was reading. That would make it fun. But I always have to suffer it.
    Ah, fanservice. The plague upon all animes. I thought Noragami was a really good anime until Bishamonten showed up. It's still really good, but... why...

    Oh, I forgot school has already started for you! I don't get started until September. I haven't even picked my classes yet. :u

    Oh, right. I've been lucky enough in that I haven't had to read... too much for school? I think as far as actual reading goes, it's been limited to Jane Eyre and Frankenstein, though admittedly I hated the former and it counted as like three books to me.
    Eh, I suppose it all depends. Publishing is.. a weird and nebulous process I guess. A lot of different sites will tell you different things. XD

    Hey, it sounds like you have some good ideas there. I was pretty inspired by Tolkein as well. Let the story take you where it will. There's likely a whole lot of story to tell! All of it will come together, just keep writing and keep piecing it together. It'll all come together great. =]
    Hay there! =D Thanks for the message. Heh heh. I suppose my reasoning behind not posting the work itself is that well.. for one thing it's a bit long, clocking in at just above 130,000 words (My goal is to reduce this in order to make it easier to publish) and for another I would rather my early drafts not be all over the place when I finally do decide to perhaps submit for publishing. (Or self publish. Whichever it ends up being)

    As for your writing, you keep on it! You have a lot of time to plot this stuff out, all the time in the world in fact. This is the point where you let your brain just muse all over the place. Read a bunch (rereading old books that inspired you to start writing can help a LOT), write out plot ideas, roleplay if that's your thing, write out drafts of scenes as they come to you. It's really your world, and you can take the process at any pace you want to. Write what inspires you.

    For me it took coming out of a bad point in life to really start writing. I was about your age when a lot of the early ideas and characters started to come to head, but I wouldn't start what would eventually be the completed first draft until almost six years later! Trust me when I say you have time. It's gonna come, and when it does, it's going to be great. Just keep at it =]
    I am kind of anime trash at this point but I wasn't really before I watched Tokyo Ghoul! I don't doubt that as someone who doesn't watch anime you are probably hesitant to do so, but the plot of Tokyo Ghoul is incredibly intricate and the character development is really good and it could hold its own as a piece of literature, I think, which is not something common in a cartoon.

    It's... kind of like that, yes, but a little more realistic, in the sense that the gods aren't, like, hypothetical or anything. There's some debate as to whether they're actually gods, but they are definitely there and everyone can see them. So they aren't sitting in olympus where only Worthy Demigods can find them, or anything.
    Oh man, I totally had you confused with Superbird. That's totally fine, my bad.
    I have no idea yet! I just got here so they haven't actually done anything. I want to be part of it whenever I can, though, and also how cool would it be if they did the Tokyo Ghoul stageplay AND I COULD BE TSUKIYAMA. That would be a dream come true oh my god.

    They're completely original! Also the term "god" is used in a rather interesting way, as they aren't heavenly cloud figures that sit high above and will the forces of nature. They're just... people, basically. It's really cool. It also deals with corruption in the church and stuff like that. I just finished it two days ago, and it was a pretty good read.
    About your post on my profile: I'm at the stage where I'm fine with just about anything, but an Expert Belt might be useful. Or any Pokemon I don't have.
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