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I liek Squirtles

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  • I Hate Hamlet! It's a really well-written comedy about a TV actor whose show just ended, and he winds up doing Hamlet for Shakespeare in the Park and having a major identity crisis about it. Very very funny, I recommend it! The version I found on youtube is acted a lot weirder than the one I'm in though.
    I'm in chemistry now (as I've noted). I'm not sure about it so far. It seems like pretty basic algebra, but i'm not fully understanding the relationships between certain things so it's hard for me to figure out what i'm supposed to do. Once i can glean what i'm supposed to be doing though, it's pretty easy... that's just typically too late.

    Okay so a SHIT TON happened between when you sent this message and right now. Basically flirty-san was this girl that kept flirting with me, hence her name (quote from my friend: "i think you're starting to bruise from being hit on so much"). It started out pretty innocent so i just ignored it for the most part. But then she started touching me. Granted, it isn't creepy touching— she just puts her arm around me or holds my hand or something— but it's totally unwarranted. At some point along the line i gave her my number, and i found out that she's the type to immediately tell you all her problems (a good portion of which i'm fairly certain are bullshit:
    . I think it's probably mainly for attention but it's still weird. So then she starts going off about how much she loves her boyfriend (??) but literally no one has any idea who he is. She mentions him constantly but everyone is just as confused if not more so as i am. So he's just like this phantom dude. It's really fucking weird. She started using him as a tool to make me jealous so i was like, "hey look at my best friend courtney!! i like her a lot!! isn't she super cute!!" and haha oh my god she got so weird. I told Courtney about her and she hates her now; it started out with just "hey don't touch my friend that's weird" but once flirty-san started talking shit about Courtney, she got really pissed. She said fuck like four times which she's never done in the year i've known her and just. I have never seen her get like that about someone. But yeah tl;dr a weird handsy girl that wants my attention and STILL FUCKING TOUCHES ME. I APOLOGISED YESTERDAY BECAUSE MY FRIEND WAS GIVING HER A HARD TIME AND SHE PUT HER HANDS ON MY WAIST I LITERALLY ALMOST PASSED OUT
    Oh, I see. I've never even heard of public health but a brief google search tells me it sounds kind of dry. Which one are you going to take?

    We do exercise too, which makes it partially PE. It's called PAN, which stands for Physical Activity and Nutrition. It's just a PE Health 2x Combo and it's pretty sucky. It's a big step up from last year, as I was schooled online. PE was essentially "did you go outside today." And even then, it was probably 80% bullshit because I could never leave the house.

    The school is brand new so they might be trying to establish make-out stations? Marking their territory like dogs or something, I don't know. Also this is only kind of relevant but do you want to hear about a person whom I've dubbed "Flirty-san."
    So can you do the sciences in whatever order you want? Those sound cool classes though. AP doesn't seem hard so far, it's just a lot of work.

    It's "physical activity and nutrition" which mean instead of just doing stuff you actually have to learn things. It's awful. There are even class projects.

    Heh, no, she's got a boyfriend (and I am committed still so like ??). She makes out with him in the hall a lot, it's kind of weird. Like that's great that you want to do that but pls don't in front of me
    Wow, I'd like to offer yet another formal apology for all the hax that round... n_n"
    Well, AP is a pretty commonplace thing here, and the teachers are really good, so it isn't quite as bad as you'd think. Most people pass, apparently. I think one of the teachers said something like 70%, which really isn't too bad considering. There are a lot of APs, though. More than I know of, to be sure. The ones I'm certain of are world history, English III, English IV, drawing, precalculus, and physics.

    Yeah, I got computer animation. I would have more, but I need to do PE this year to get it out of the way. It's going to be a lot of work, I looked at the syllabus. More work than PE has any right to be. Precalculus is really challenging so far and I love it, there's a sophomore girl next to me that seems to be on my same level intellectually so we make pretty good partners.
    This school is apparently ~the best DODDEA school in the world~ or some shit so all the kids jump into AP right away. I'm kind of behind, actually, since I didn't take any last year and most of the freshmen took at least one. The AP workload is not that stressful for me so far, though! Everyone else is like "oh shit this is the worst fucking thing ahhh ap life is so hard" but what. You just have to like read a chapter every other day— like, actually read it and not skim— and take notes. That is literally all you need to do to pass with an A+. Why are you complaining. (Admittedly the chapters are fairly long but if you're in AP, shouldn't you be able to read fast or something.)

    Ah, no, only my math is that far ahead! My English is only one year ahead, and I'm not ahead in anything else. (And my English isn't ahead at all anymore, so. It's just my math now.)
    what happened to squirtle, you look all green and flying and scary now
    ...Huh. That's really interesting, it reminds me of Deadman Wonderland. I'll have to get a look at it.

    I feel worse now that, after going to school and to an assembly, hearing that "the average student at this school takes two AP classes." The average student. What am I

    Nothing! I started my highschool math in seventh grade, so I'm two years ahead.
    No, I haven't! For some reason I thought of the phrase "Brave New World" out of nowhere the other day, though, and thought it was really cool and I felt totally original. Thanks for ruining it. What's it about? Do you get any ten books of your choice?

    Shenanigans are never good. It makes me feel less smart that I'm in fewer advanced classes, which I know makes no sense but thaT'S JUST HOW IT IS, OKAY. I DON'T CHOOSE HOW MY MIND WORKS.

    What do you mean...? I already did Algebra II.
    That's true. Stuff like Jane Eyre and Frankenstein and... basically anything considered a "classic" is just impossible for me to get through. It sucks, since that's all you read at school.

    I'm in precalculus, aand... I think due to a plethora of shenanigans that might be my only non-sophomore class. Which really bums me out, since last year I only had two freshman classes. At this school, though, they don't count high school classes that you did in middle school except for math, so I'm no longer ahead in anything but that.
    It's like...ninety percent that I'm too awkward to just talk to him about it, jesus christ. like there is p much NO WAY IT COULD GO TERRIBLY and yet here i am. internally screaming.

    i'm having spasms on your behalf man
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