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I liek Squirtles

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  • That's fair, but don't give up hope! That'll only exasperate the situation.

    That sounds super cool, actually! I'm glad you got to see the graduees again, seems like they always disappear once they're out of school. Sounds like you had a lot of fun, though! I've been considering doing Model United Nations, but it was full this year.

    My halloween was all right! I just walked around with a couple friends of mine, we basically screwed around a lot and scared people. We were looking around for another friend for awhile, but we gave up and just went to Ethan's house and played meme run for a couple hours. There were various shenanigans going on but it would take forever to explain them all. :p
    Hey, I noticed you didn't command a size for the substitute you wanted Fisticuffs to make, so just in case, do you want to command something different from 10%? (If so, I'm going to ask in the Question Box whether or not that's okay, but I think it should fly.)
    Hey, someone will notice. It's easy to assume that no-one likes you but there are probably a lot of people that have their eye on you! You're not the only one that's afraid to make a move, other people feel fear like that too. It'll turn out, i promise.

    By the way, how'd your halloween go?
    That's fair enough, but does he know it's a harmless carpe diem? And i understand, man. It's the end of the year and i've got one date to my name, and it's looking like i'm not going to get another one for a long, long time. But it's okay. We've got a lot of time left and you are a STRAPPING YOUNG MAN, someone is going to come your way. You are prime real estate.
    Well, that's not good at all. On the other hand, better him than you, i guess? If she's just golddigging then i'm glad he's the one getting ripped of and not you. I wish you better luck in the future, though. It always seems like the universe is working against you.
    Man, that must be... suspenseful. Hope it turns out in your favour. Hooking up with a senior when you aren't a senior yourself is tricky, though! Seeing as they'll be leaving the next year, and all. I'm not sure if it works this way there, so i'll ask: do people usually stay in town after graduating high school?

    Shrek and SBAHJ quotes.
    That's fair enough. I'm glad you came to that conclusion, it's very mature of you.

    Also wow, she sounds like exactly your kind of person? Like, a female ILS. Go for it, man. Even if this other junior dude is going for her, you shouldn't try any less. You're pretty swell and you seem to have a lot in common so i'm sure she'll see that!

    Ah, i read the summary on NaNo and it looks pretty interesting, i'd be happy to edit after you're finished if you'd like? Or just read it too, idk. Mostly i just want to read it whatever happens but i'm also a nerd who enjoys editing and apparently that's useful. :p

    Also way to fucking go dude, that's the only way to flirt. Courtney and i communicate in Shrek quotes but SHHH

    Date-friend hasn't actually listened to Hamilton yet but someone was singing Your Obedient Servant the day before so!!
    What are we going to do with you. Well, what's this new girl like?

    Also definitely, but the likelihood of me winning this year is fairly low. I think I might be doing fanfiction this year... Are you participating?

    He is a highly dedicated human. Also this has been worked on since fuckign 2009.
    I just realized it's on spotify and I'm three minutes in and LOVE IT

    Lin-Manuel Miranda is a gift to humanity
    I haven't listened to it yet but i've heard WONDERFUL things about it and it makes me very happy
    re: "soo how does courtney know flirty-san is talking shit? are you telling her or are you all in a group chat together?"; I'm telling her. It feels kind of wrong to just listen to someone piss on her and then not say anything about it.

    BUT THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY NEWS what is your gameplan
    Apparently it's different every show here, but I've been at every rehearsal my overstudy has, and I've gotten to run the show through a few times. Tomorrow is a tech rehearsal just for us
    yeah, it is :/ they played with the script just a little bit but since I've read it so often it doesn't sit well with me. I'm the understudy for the guy in the Hawaiian shirt, in case you were wondering. I'm a lot more upbeat (I talk a lot with my hands) and actually a total bro to the main dude, I'm just more concerned with financial and commercial success than actual art. But yeah, that'll give you the gist of the show. And it is pretty funny.

    That's Macbeth! Actually you can't quote Macbeth at all in a theater unless it's the show you're doing. Apparently Shakespeare coined the phrase "one fell swoop" in Macbeth because my director always says "one swell foop" instead
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