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I liek Squirtles

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  • H
    I hope you can ask her out soon!! It would be so great!! Anyways, how are you? :)
    I'm glad it was so great!! :) But that totally sucks about how you forgot to ask her out, though :( Will you have any other chances to ask her out?
    Hiiiii!!! I was literally about to send you a VM! I am okay, I suppose. I am so so sorry we haven't spoken in forever! I have been kinda inactive and depressed-zombie like for a while. How are you? :) How was junior prom? :)
    If you're still bummed out about ASB closing, PokeSun just recently opened up a league that's gaining interest. Reffing is pretty open, so you can use your own style or AlteredOrigin's or PokeSun's. Mewtini and some others are already there, so.
    Yeah... was pretty angry at ASB closing down, that was one of the best things on the forums. I barely post anymore nowadays, recently the only posts I've made are in the "Grr" and "Fwee" threads and almost everyone I knew from before has quit now. On a completely unrelated subject, X and Y look pretty good. I like how you can customise your character and he actually looks like, well, a person, instead of a squashed-up little pixelated kid with a weird hat.

    Ni idea, este es lo yo aprendido. :/

    Y lol, por alguna razón que era mucho más divertido que leer en español.

    Y, y, feliz cumpleaños!
    Hey, happy birthday! You're one of the smartest, level-headed people I know, and I hope today is great for you.
    Sí, pero la mía no es ni siquiera parecido. Tuve muchos profesores españoles, y todos ellos de diferentes países. A veces voy a usar de un acento mexicano (Más o menos)y otras veces de un acento argentino. Suena muy raro en la conversación.
    Oh, está bien, segunda temporada. Lo tengo. Sí, ese es David Tennant.

    Y gracias. Puedo leer y escribir español muy bien, pero hablando es un problema. Tengo una especie de acento extraño cuando en realidad hablo.
    lol está bien. Y esperar ... ¿Qué quieres decir? No entendí eso, algo segunda?

    ¿Quién es el próximo Doctor después de las nueve? El Décimo Doctor es David Tennant. Es mi favorito personal en realidad. Tengo todos ellos aparece en mi firma en el banner.
    Si te gusta Doctor Who tu debe tratar la Sarah Jane Adventures. Es como Doctor Who, pero en lugar de viajar, es más como un show de detectives ... con monstruos.
    It has, yes! I took a break from the forums and then that turned into about a year's absence due to becoming sort of addicted to Minecraft. Nowadays I come on here sometimes, not half as active as I used to be though.
    I'm sure you will. You seem like a very intelligent person.

    My school can't afford a junior prom, so I'm not sure what /that's/ like. ;)

    Anyway, what've you been up to?
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