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    Oh! Just don't tell anybody, except you most trusted friends. And also, just try not to be to obvious in your romantic advances towards her, and it shouldn't be a problem. :)
    Thanks for coming to me for advice, by the way! You have no idea how much that means to me! :)
    It would? Okay then! Then you should just talk to her, and care about her. If she seems upset, ask her why, and if she doesn't want to talk about it, don't press for details. You should try to just be yourself.
    I don't know, it's worth a try! But of course, don't do anything you don't want to do. Oh, have you touched her at all? Lightly touching her arm or hair is a good way to send signals that you like her.
    Okay good! So I think you should start flirting with her at this point! But playfully! And it's kinda weird if you say something like "You're pretty cute!". You should compliment her on her hair or say something about her personality (When she makes a joke, casually mention that she is funny. Or if she gets a grade back, tell her she's smart, etc.).
    Okay. By the way, am I helping at all? But anyways, how close are you to IT? Are you two like best friends, or just good friends, or what?
    That first one is very good. Well since you are friends with IT, you would have the best chance in getting a little bit closer and seeing if she has feelings for you. I think you should just really get to know her and try to talk about things that you both like. Also, around any girls, you need to be a genuine nice guy, and actually care about her. If you like any of these girls for just their looks, don't ask her out. At least not yet. It is vital that you two actually know each other. I know that I get kind of creeped out when a guy asks me out and I barely know him. Something like that happened to me when I was your age, and it was just weird.
    Okay, to continue this discussion: Do you even have an idea if any of these girls like you?
    Oh my gosh, I am soooooo sorry for leaving suddenly last night!! It got really hectic all of a sudden!! I hope you aren't mad at me :(
    Well you can ask one of her friends to ask her if she likes anybody. Or you can ask her if she likes you through a note (somebody did that to me when I was your age. It was so cute!). Or you can ask her straight up. I think that should be the first step, is finding out if she likes you. And if she is asked if she likes you, chances are, she'll figure out that you like her, which is a good thing! Because naturally, when a girl finds out a guy likes her, she ends up liking that guy, eventually.
    When is this prom, by the way? And I would, if you have time, try to see if any of them like you. Do you like any of them any more than the other?
    Hmm Do you think any of them like you? Or are you even friends with any of them?
    Well is there any girls you like at the moment?
    Oh thanks for asking me! This makes me feel spectacular that you would ask me for advice!! Okay, well at a junior prom, most girls expect a guy to be romantic! Like for realziez, maybe bring a rose, and make sure you compliment your date, if you have one. Most girls would like to have a guy to be a real gentleman. I'm sorry if I replied too late!
    it's about the leaders. the theory was about the leaders being affected by the modified pokemon. (and Roark came up with the theory)
    You could borrow a friend's account. Or you could just sign up for the free trial. You could look for the DVDs but that would be expensive. I really don't know how to watch the episodes for free any other way.
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