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I liek Squirtles

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  • My advice would be to start with the ninth doctor, as his first episode is the first of the "reboot" series. Start from "Rose" and work your way forward. It may take a while to get into that way but if you don't want to miss any important plot points I would start from there. If you don't have the time or patience to watch all six-and-a-half seasons that way (believe me it would take a while), then you could start with a few standalone episodes, like "Blink" and "Midnight". It really depends on how much time you have and how deep you want to get into it.
    Alt isn't necessary if you don't need it. That may be the issue? And unless you're sure that's the exact image...
    Er... that's strange. No, it shouldn't. Are you sure you're putting in the quotation marks? That's a common mistake.

    If all else fails, upload the picture to Photobucket, deviantART, etc. and you can use the URL instead of a file. It might be suitable anyway.
    Sure thing. Placing images has its own tag, and usage of it depends on where the image is coming from.

    If you're getting the image from, for example, www.example.com/img, then the code would be as follows:
    <img src="www.example.com/img">

    If the image is coming from your computer, and it's called Squirtles.png per say, the script would be as follows:
    <img src="Squirtles.png">

    Another handy thing that works when making an image is the alt attribute. Assume the picture is not available to a user. Then, there will be an empty picture. To fix this, there is the alt attribute. If you wanted the alt to be "Hi,", the code would be

    <img src-"Squirtles.png" alt="Hi">
    <img src="www.example.com/img" alt="Hi">

    There are other image attributes, but those are the most important ones. Hope I helped!
    But.. your art on your page...

    Nah, you don't have to give me yours. If I knew you were working on your own project, I wouldn't have asked you. Thanks for the offer, though.
    Aye. You aren't helping with Basalt and Granite, are you? Your help would be appreciated.
    No, don't get me wrong, you can-- it just says something strange about spriteset 95 or something, and the floor isn't there on the second floor of the house. Also, the hero is invisible, you're just an entity. You can't see yourself.
    Actually, it's not going so well right now. The source is being weird with the sprites and I can't leave rooms. o_O

    Oh, I have an new RP up. You're encouraged to join.
    Oh :P yeah, I guess I'm alright. I mean, I'm trying to be alright, if that is an answer! Thank you, for caring :)
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