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I liek Squirtles

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  • Happy birthday! You are probably asleep while I'm typing this, and haven't fully realized your added age yet, but anyway, I hope you get many fun baubles and stuff.
    That's pretty good, but I think you should replace Energy Ball with Hex. But it'll work either way.
    Yup. Are you in Black or White? Because I think Bagon is a White Forest pokemon.
    Last I checked, Salamence could only learn Outrage through Dream World. So I would stick with Dragon Claw. Earthquake and Stone Edge are fine, but I think you should replace Fire Blast with Flamethrower or Dragon Dance. Fire Blast may be powerful, but it can only be used 5 times.

    As for Item, I would suggest Muscle Band instead. Ability, EVs, and Nature are fine.
    Brick Break? It would be helpful when going against Rock-types and/or Reflect users.
    Yes, or even Fly, seeing as they both get STAB. Dragon Claw would be the better choice though. Wait, Fly has a higher power...
    Okay, so you'd probably want to base your Salamence on attack. It gets 3 Attack Effort Value Points.
    Okay, so we should just start with that for now. First of all, what gen are you using? Five?
    Um, I'm not sure. But, I'd say using certain natures that support certain stats, or items that do the same. Like I said, I'm not too good at it. I'm mostly movepools and abilities.
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