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I liek Squirtles

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  • Yay! I don't like tea and cod and Fi$h is a better pun than the ones you hear on "Big Bad Beetleborgs"! I'mma 'bout to get 3 Fi$h. =P
    Foam sword? I saw SuperRichieGuru comment on my "Hi! =P" thread with something about foam swords and chocolate. I was very confused and thought of it as a metaphor. Am I right?
    Hey man

    I got a gift for you

    I literally gave away everything I had. LITERALLY. Sorry. D:

    Just fine the charges to my unexistant self and give me pokemon to my unexistant self
    You mean, in terms of boosts? Depends where you want it, and how you're going to use it. But generally 252 SAk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
    Yes. See if you can teach it Shadow Claw, that will make it easier to train on Litwicks.
    There are certain berries, such as the Tomato berry, which subtract 10 EVs from your total in exchange for raising your happiness.

    So after you feed vitamins to your pokemon, equip either a Macho Brace(Doubles the number of EVs you get) or the Power Item(you get 4 additional EVs in the stat of the item for every pokemon you defeat) of your choice, and go to a spot where the only pokemon there give the EVs you're looking for. If you can, inflict it with Pokerus beforehand. Pokerus doubles the EVs you get and stacks with power items and Macho Brace. And then fight a lot of things, enough to get you to your goal.

    this is a good list of EV training spots for different stats. Incidentally, two of them are on route 1!
    A pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EVs total, and a maximum of 255 in just one stat. Every 4 EVs give you 1 point at level 100 (for instance; Blastoise can only have a max of 299 HP at level 100 without EVs. With 252 EVs it can get 361.) How many EVs a pokemon gives varies by the pokemon, but generally, first-stages give 1, second-stages give 2, and final stages give 3.

    The first step to EV training a pokemon is to know what you want to invest in. whether it's 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP, or 128 Def / 128 SpD / 252 HP or something.

    The second step is to actually train. But first, why battle all those pokemon when you could just instead GIVE the EVs to them?

    You have to make sure that you count all the EVs you give to a pokemon, and also that the pokemon does not have any existing EVs.

    First, I like to go to the Route 9 Shopping mall and buy vitamins. Essentially, one vitamin is worth 10 EVs in a stat, and a pokemon can have up to 10 vitamins in each stat. So buy 10 vitamins of whatever stat it is you want to train, and then give all of them to the pokemon you want to train. Got this so far?
    Sure. So to make a page, there's a button at the top-right part of the page that says "Contribute," or something similar.
    Actually, you might want to focus on the other things for now.
    Hi! Feel kinda lucky, you're the second person EVAH to come say hi to me on these forums. And Squirtles are an amazing Pokemon.
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