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Kai Lucifer
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  • Thanks for the add, and congrats on the 1500 posts WITHOUT excessive forum gaming. :o How is it possible?
    Ed Balls and Willie Stroker should team up and run for office. British Presidential office.
    They would win.

    Also re:Alistair:

    Sig owns. Isn't her name Jacqui though? Or am I confusing her with someone else. It's a very strange spelling to match her equally strange looks.
    No offense meant really but all your politicians look or act really weirdly ): Look at Alistair Darling for instance. Best name in the whole cabinet, hands down, but he looks so much like an owl. And his eyebrows. I aspire to caress them. Miliband looks like an ape and I wish he'd at least shave his unibrow. At least you've got some cute ones like ol' Davey Cameron and Douglas Alexander but still.
    My current favourite is Peter Mandelson though. He owns. And he spread rumours about Brown being gay (causing the latter to shout at Lord Levy in a restaurant. It was pretty damn lol) so you know he's a pretty solid source of entertainment.

    Wait the Secretary for Children, Schools and Families is called Ed Balls? If I may be very childish: hahaha
    Hi Kai, just to let ou know, my paint has stopped working and I only recently realised that fotoflexer saves every file as JPG automatically. So I might take a tad longer.
    Hmm... You think so? I think it looks fine... But you're right about the wing, I'll change it someday :)

    I think why I didn't get the "Bakun and Eggs" pun is because I pronounce Bakun "Bah-Koon" and maybe you pronounce it "Bey-kun".

    And if I change it to Bakun and Eggs people might think I make eggs people can adopt. Heh.

    But still thank you for the suggestion :).
    Thank you.

    What bothers you about the Giratina morph?

    I don't get how "Bakun and Eggs" is supposed to be funny, though, but maybe I should change the name...

    EDIT: Now I get it...
    But of course we have visited them in the summers between then and now!

    Yesh, that's why I started a sprite shop, have you seen it? I need to get back on tracks, I feel slightly rusty :/
    Yesh! When I was 9 my family stayed in York for a year, I went to school an' all!

    And, yeah, I've seen your sprites, and I highly agree :D Now I better sprite alot so that you won't get better than me >:D

    Well, it's gonna be super fun! I really can't wait to see my friends! :D
    Thanks for signing up at the Project Kailou forums! Uh, we've kinda caught some grief for not having much revealed yet, so we really appreciate you joining. The male player character's design was just unveiled, so if you'd like to share your thoughts....
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