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Kai Lucifer
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  • nya~ okies x3 i'm an artist nya (>w<*)

    i'm gonna be making my art thread soon ^o^* just final preparations~ like uploading drawings nya^^
    Eheh, ^^; I'm not too sure if i count as an artist... ^^;;;;
    but i love to draw lots :3 and lots...and lots ^o^
    onii chan showed me your drawings and theyre uber awesome^^
    Oh well. If that's only for friends, so be it.

    And what did you mean with 'you need a reference'....?

    Edit: Umm, do you mean the fact that I should describe it, I guess.
    Err, Hi, I wondered wether you could create one of these awsome avatars for me. By 'awsome avatars' I mean these...err...well, like the avatar you have at the moment.
    I'm afraid I'm responsible for another avatar request; Exo-Raikou would like one. Of his Exo-Raikou, I'm assuming. Shouldn't be hard to find a picture of it if you look in his profile. Please and thank you~
    Hm, Healing Touch is harder with a Wii remote, but to be honest it's only really really necessary in a few operations. Though they do tend to be the hardest ones during which the stress will make precision impossible :3

    All in all I guess the stylus is the easiest and most precise control mechanism in TC (since it's held in basically the same way as most of the instruments are, and pressed against the screen and not waving in the air five foot from the patient), but the Drain really is a huge pain to use. Also SO's graphics are a little better and it's longer. So to summarise, and answer the question you actually asked, UtK if you think the instruments/Healing Touch might be too hard, but in my opinion Second Opinion is the better of the two altogether.
    On the other hand I doubt I'll hear the end of all this unless I get one :3
    And I can always put it back to Meowth after.
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