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Kai Lucifer
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  • And and and a bunch of other people who are on both our friend lists.. but there's a lot :<
    also i think i reached 1000 a while ago.
    I spend more time vming than posting.
    i typed that from the hotel.


    and also :o yeah minkowpics that i will put up when i find out how to work this thing >:C
    Heeeey, sorry for being all non-here recently; I've been kept kinda busy with all kinds of RL issues and stuff. It's lovely to hear from you :D

    I've been doing okay, aforementioned hecticness aside; I've been having a pretty cool summer, with lots of travelling around the UK seeing people (Essex, Milton Keynes, London, South Wales; thank god for Megabus or I'd never afford anything) and, uh, sleeping.

    You've had coursework over the summer? Aw, that sucks x.x Good luck with it, though~ Which Shakespeare play are you studying? Are you looking forward to going back, or dreading it?
    My term doesn't start till, I think, the 24th of September, but I'll be going back to Canterbury a week early to move into my new house (so excited about that!) and helping out during fresher's week.

    Work experience at school must've been quite fun; at least you'd know people there and stuff, and office work is a pretty good thing to put on a CV. Glad you had a good time of it; you were really lucky to only have to do two hours a day XD
    sorry i couldn't tell you about the trip myself. it was hard enough to get an internet connection without forking over 20 bucks ('bout ten or more euros)
    not worth it.

    anyways, how're you?
    Ahh, good. welp, i'm getting there. almost done with the science part. just gotta fill in the answers and buy myself a baseball. apperently we have to throw pitches. then..yeah.

    in the meantime i'm drawing.
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