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Kali the Flygon

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  • I did start a conversation, but the person I was talking to didn't respond, so I felt obliged to post something, but I couldn't do much, since they hadn't said anything back...
    Alright then. I'll make a post for them both.

    Ominak should be fun to play~ I just love the guy and his easy-going ways.
    Maia, however, will be easier since she's based off of a character of mine~

    ...Wait. Am I playing the Dragon that you asked me to create?
    Alright. So we all start in the same place, or do we walk up to where we are going? *hasn't read the RP yet*
    I'll post when I can. I'll do so now.

    I promise to be more active when I get home.
    XD I saw. I am excited because I made awesome banners for a fantasy forum, and I love text distortion. x3 I've had a good weekend, thanks. ^^ And you?
    I have found Internet. The connect sucks and it drops me at times, but I have it.

    I also have a limit as to how long I can stay on...since the only power source is back at my camp site and I have to move away from it to get the bloody connection. But I do have connection.
    That's a good idea, actually. In fact, I might draw her for real considering how dragons are some of the only things I can draw somewhat-decently. I'll get to work on that. ^^
    I guess. I've got down Personality, albeit a bit short, and all the other stuff, but it's Appearance that's coming along the most suckishly. I can't go overboard no matter how much I try, and it needs to be at least one paragraph. I suppose if I try I could stretch it out. Not only that, I suck at measurements. Do all forms have to have precise measurements other than descriptive words?
    Oh, not bad. Been playing Super Paper Mario a lot lately, but nothing else noteworthy.
    Sounds interesting, but I'll have to finish reading Warriors before I begin on another book :P.
    Like, Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr?

    I'm joining it, just give me some time to start and finish my form :3.
    Not much right now. Listening to music, thinking about spriting something later.

    Buut I'm going to the cinema tomorrow with two of my friends x) we're going to see Ice Age 3. Can't wait.

    Also, have you read the inheritance trilogy (Alright not a trilogy anymore but w/e)? Your RP remids me of it :P.
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