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Kali the Flygon

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  • Hello~ All's nice and well. The Sandshrew skull has been polished nicely and is currently hanging on my wall.
    Hey! I'm back now! I've reappeared to the entrance of the cave and have ventured back in!

    Did ya miss me?
    I brought up the specific colour, so I claimed it. XD I like wind elements too. x3 But its the awesome flying that I can't wait for, not the overpowered roar. :P Er, am I co-GM for the RP? XD Since I don't think I helped much...
    Perhaps. Hm. I wonder how. Have you seen any green mushrooms with faces on them? Or, maybe, some sort of revival potion... Life Bottle? Phoenix Down?
    XD It means that you meet other people. OUTSIDE. I know, it sounds crazy, but sometimes it can get as funny as any RP!

    ...However, I have instructed to get another person a life as a present I am unsure if I should gift them with a few extra lives - and if so, from which game? - or drag a dead body and induce them to perform necromancy.
    Good morning. x3 Not much, but I'm expecting a friend over soon. I do, it seems, have a social life. Somehow. XD
    Um... Basically my dad told me to get off at ten pm, and rebuked me for taking five minutes to stall and say goodbye to some friends who had just come on. XD And I couldn't turn it back on when he went to bed because he would have woken up. ><
    My dad started watching me like a hawk, so it was kind of hard to sneak on with him standing over me until he went to bed. x_x Sorry. My furc name would be Saelent and Chordesque, for the characters I would most likely be on. x3
    Heh, that'd be an interesting meeting. Sorry about this, but my parents worry about how much time I take when it's so hot.
    Mhm, yeah. I just looked at the massive list everyone else has and sort of meeped. x3 *pulls up Veekun*
    I'm not sure. XD What attacks do you think Karae should get from this? And I'll post now before I get chased off.
    Good morning. ^^ I'm afraid I'm logging off now, so I can reserve a nice wad of time in the evening for multi-tasking and RP. x3
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