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Karkat Vantas
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  • Omg sorry I totally jumped down your throat. It's just a bad habit I hate when people say 'so-and-so is a terrible singer' when they mean they don't like them. There is a huge difference.

    There is no problem with you not liking them, there really isn't. I don't like many good singers/bands/etc. It's just not my taste. But that doesn't mean they're bad. Yeah? It's a difference between technically good and style, genre, taste, etc.

    Sorry, for the attitude.
    Also, covers they've done that are better than the original (not linking because so many): 4 Minutes, Toxic, Bills Bills Bills, It's My Life/Confessions pt. II, Dancing With Myself (a cover of a cover, though), Like A Prayer, Smile (both ones), Stop! In the name of love/Free your heart, Rose's Turn, Borderline/Open Your Heart, I Want To Hold Your Hand (a cover of a cover), Toxic, Faithfully, Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', Run Joey Run (apparently it's supposed to be a bad song but I love it so), Hey Soul Sister, Marry You, Teenage Dream, Valerie, Dreams (personally I prefer this as a duet), Take Me Or Leave Me, Songbird, I feel pretty/unpretty, Never Going Back Again (I prefer this one personally, but it isn't necessarily better).

    The originals are always gonna have the value of being the original, but these covers are indisputably better (or mashups, which are simply unique to the show).
    Cory's voice isn't the best by any means, but he definitely isn't terrible. He's pretty average.

    But, then you have this or this or literally 100+ other songs, and to consider the people who sing those bad singers? Or those songs/covers bad? Just makes me question your hearing. :v
    1% is no big deal, unless it represents a larger problem with the person's energy system... or problems with the ticky boxes and selectors of a damage calculator. :P
    Ahaha idk how you define terrible cause the singing is great. May not be your style, but from a technical point of view, the singers are all top notch.
    They look a little iffy, yeah. You didn't actually use Kratos' calculator, did you? Because it's definitely not giving me the same numbers.
    Yes, you cannot be beat in a whine-off. You are simply the best there is.

    Poison-type rhine sounds fine to me. Shouldn't have been too hard to convince people to add it in.
    I was sorely tempted to reject your mock just based on that.

    But then I considered how much whining I'd have to listen to afterwards.
    Well, to maximize damage to Monopole, I suggest Shur Shit to hit Umbra with a Fire Punch or something else Fire-typed first action.
    Actually I think it's more along the lines of "what the fuck happened to Karkat".

    ...Are you supposed to be Karkat or a person with the username Karkat?
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