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Karkat Vantas
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  • btw I've actually been checking Fasblica daily, but as I'm a very visual person I've decided holding off buying some Pokemon until I see Cylily's sprite, as that's the Pokemon I'm most interested in at the moment. However, summer just started for me, so I should be able to start reffing in a few days.

    Since I got Eggcellent's Beldum, I can use him because of his current uselessness. Metranome it is. :D
    ...looks like you were, but considering we're in different brackets and there's a very similar combo just above yours...

    Not really. ASB matches take so much commitment. Maybe later.
    Yeah, I was, er... wondering about that. Actually I wonder who posted theirs first, because there's another breaking-through-rocks appeal pretty much directly after mine, too.
    Yeah, we actually don't have any refs right now, I'll be able within few days but we don't know about blazheirio889 so I think it's best for me to be reffing instead of battling. :P
    Profile gone.

    Also, I'm thinking of developing a bird fakemon, but I had two different ideas and I'm having trouble decide between biological curiosity and recent event parody.
    Bought it. Gonna make the profile you so wanted too.

    By the way, my last test is Wednesday, so, by then, I'll be able to ref in Fasblica. Not that there's really anything there to be reffed, but, the fact that there actually are refs there might stimulate what few people see the forum to start battling. :P
    Posted it in my submission topic. Still, it lacks a grade; once it has that, I'll be able to buy it.

    I was going to post the first challenge in the league as soon as I got it, but eh, you beat me to it. :P

    Also, I decided to revive an old region project that is where these fakes I'm submitting to Fasblica come from.
    Isn't it supposed to be graded?

    Also, are you intending to alter the sprite in any way, or this one is it?
    Waiting for the GPX Plus event finishes :D What are you doing up so late :|
    Generally yes, but if you're trying to use a really inaccurate move to do something like, say, hit a small moving target, then you still might fail.
    Since next Wednesday will be the day of my last test before vacations, I'm thinking of trying to deal a ref trade with someone so that our battle will get reffed.
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