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Karkat Vantas
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  • I just had the wackiest idea ever.

    A corn fakemon. With a branch evolution, being able to become either a maize ear or popcorn.
    Hm... Well, any suggestions on a more specific level? I suppose it makes sense for it to learn several Water-type moves by TM and tutor (and by egg, since I considered it to be Mineral and Water 2), but I don't remember which ones I had it learn by level-up.

    Definetly. Most people I've met still play on Normal because they don't manage to do that jump, too. Even I still have a hard time with that damn fifth note every now and then.

    I play on a Wii, but I haven't gotten the damn thing to connect to the Wi-Fi in ages.

    Oh yeah some kid almost got mugged. Did you finish the steel seal yet? :D
    It fits all these three types, but, I figure it ought to be closer to Rock/Poison since it actually has both of these as significant parts of its body. Also, to emphatize the rock camouflage and poison spikes trick.

    I play on hard guitar, actually. I can do a few things on Expert, but I haven't tried yet on GH5, and the farthest I can get yet in GHMetallica is No Leaf Clover.
    There. And as you may notice, it lacks a sprite.

    Yes, but I like to unlock everything in Career beforehand for suspense's sake :P also, Scatterbrain is in the second-to-last gig, I seem to have missed it. I tried it on Hard, and dammit, it felt like playing Fight Fire With Fire again.
    So, do I get myself a submissions topic and post the fake in it, or do I have to do something else first?

    I'll assume that's a song from the last venue, since that's the only one I have yet to unlock.
    Clear the move tutor matter up, and I'll submit it.

    Stalking my conversations aren't you :P but yeah, I got GH5 for my birthday.
    So, I have a fake moveset almost done, but I dunno if your project is already accepting submissions, and I recall you saying something along the lines of "no tutor moves yet" so I didn't bother with these, though everything else is dealt with.
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