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  • What? That was only my first sprite; that one's terrible o_O

    Are you envisioning me spriting for Basalt and Granite?
    :3 I almost typo'd too and was about to put in "Grammer" D: A and E are too close, c'mon.

    Yeah, probably. It's just that there are a bunch here who are whoa opinionated, so.

    i'm twelve today wish me happy birthday damnit
    Oh, you don't come off as an idiot. (Grammar check: 'a' before a consonant and 'an' before a vowel sound.)

    What no. That's not true either! I'm not level with anyone, they're just surprised because I'm smaller than them. You're not that bad, come on! It's just that people get annoyed with you when you're a bit stubborn, is all!

    The only difference is that I've figured out how to not offend people and how to present my arguments with more suave... ness.
    Yeah, I am. :3

    What I didn't know I came off as smart online. People irl think I'm a bit of a smart aleck, waaah.
    Yeah. That.

    It's just... you wouldn't get it. No offence. I can't really word it right, you know?
    My hand hurts after working for hours with a mouse on a new picture of mine (scanning, outlining, colouring, shading, adding background, etc.)
    It's humid indeed
    and usually 30-50 degrees Farenheit in the mornings so why not any snow when its below freezing
    Eh? I don't use sheets. I just download the gifs and use GIMP to dissect their frames. Anyway...

    i'm scarred for life ; ;

    *goes into corner...*
    Oh, okay! I can't promise that I can get on a computer tomorrow, but I'll try!
    James Bond has kinda always been my thing ever since Adriane bought Nightfire for the PS2 years ago and I was a big 007 video game player, but now I'm trying to watch more of the movies and start the books.
    Cool sprite!
    Hm... I was thinking more of a B/W style of animation. Maybe I'll try to work with GIMP to animate this thing.
    Oh shoot, I do that all the time :p
    I was considering maybe naming them after people i know irl or maybe characters from games like Sly Cooper or something
    oh wait i has idea: james bond
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