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  • Eh? I try not to -- I've been grinding with the starter back in the PC.

    Although I've gone through a game with only the starter...
    Name change is confusing.

    My birthday has been like every other birthday I've had. In other words, pretty good.

    Well, I would, except I was an idiot and wanted to restart all of my games. B2 is the farthest ahead right now, but everybody but the starter is lv. 20 (starter is lv. 30)
    If Snivy's tail were tilted horizontally, that's what it would look like; unless you really think Pikurret's tail isn't tilted at all. :P

    and i thought guys had better spacial memory than girls

    No, I don't.
    Oh, okay.

    Mm, use shading! You have to shade the outlines; in the shaded areas, yeah, darker brown, and in places where it gets /no/ light, sparingly use some black.

    Yeah, so do I.

    That's what I thought! The tail looks like a Snivy tail, actually. Sorta.


    The top one's color scheme could use a little more flair; also the outline's all black, and the overall pose, while passable, is kind of odd.

    The second one down's outline, on the other hand, is too light for the post part! The posing is actually pretty good (it makes me think of Machop or that line). The back sprite is pretty darn good, too.

    The .jpg one looks cute! Posed after Furret/Sentret?
    Overgeneralization, much? :P

    There are probably a lot of people capable of it, but admittedly, they probably don't really want to commit theirselves to something like this. Like, like, Grimdour! Look at the scratch sprite thing in her signature, and she clearly has the ability. So.

    Oh, you might be able to get away clean with it, but (not trying to brag here ; ;) if you don't have people that can sprite them with the colors right or anything like that (I have to go take a look, actually), it's a thing that can easily generate eyehurt.

    It might be useful to have a group of people that are in charge of approving the sprites (and don't just let in oddlooking things); in that case, it might be okay.

    Also, it's that if they can't splice it beyond "Oh look, that's Mewtwo mashed with Mew," and people can still [relatively] recognize the Pokemon, that lowers the punch of the game.

    ...gosh, didn't mean to write all that.
    Ahh when will you get your phone back? I miss talking to you... :(
    Hah, you're welcome for the link.

    Splices and recolors for an (what is it, a ROM hack...?) original-ish Pokemon game will get old.
    Also sure, I'd love to scratch sprite if I wasn't terrible at it. No time like the present to get better, though!
    sorry for being kind of a dick recently, life has been kinda getting in the way
    ...fyi the only way to actually show a b/w2 animation without the sheet being over 9000 (pixels) by 9000 is to actually just show the repeats as a 1-2-3 thing because most b2w2 sprites are >100 frames in length.

    (for example, my avatar's animation is 103 frames. actually pretty short when you look at it with repeats, but it's 103 frames; that's a very large spritesheet.)
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