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  • I'm going with Forme too. It doesn't look too different from the original. And when I said it was unconfirmed, I didn't know about it being announced and I thought it was just a rumour.
    "I know coding is difficult, but I'm Mohacastle. That's why I want to do it."


    You do know how to code something, don't you?

    I don't either, but then you're in charge of B/G. :(
    Meganium has atrocious attack. Use Ninetales for Sun; don't waste a moveslot. Then again, Ninetales is OU and Meganium's base stats can't keep up with that. Meganium is defencive, and it doesn't even have Chlorophyll okay
    Solarbeam is good if and only if you're running a sun team. Meganium is bulky, but not bulky enough to set up sun and not get killed on the same turn. Synthesis's low PP makes it ungood unless you use sun. Dual Screens/ general Support are the best options.

    tl;dr 82/83/80 offencive stats are atrocious. don't run a mixed set on it anyway, bold hates on e. there are better Pokemon to set up sunny day and better eq users, go use one of those instead. Meganium is too busy supporting its teammates to die the turn it sets up sun or attempts a "sweep" with 80 speed and earthquake. (plus it doesn't even have chlorophyll)

    calcs tba later
    basically: Meganium is a support Pokemon.
    Its best set is probably Dual Screens (Bold, @Light Clay, Return-Light Screen-Leech Seed-Giga Drain.) Dual Screens (Reflect and Light Screen both up at the same time) allow set-up sweepers like Swords Dancing Ursaring and Calm Mind Musharna to set up and then sweep.
    Nah, don't worry, it wasn't your fault! Haha I was also emailing a different friend, and he's the one who mostly kept me up! :) It's all good! :) And sure! My Tumblr is way weird, though. But if you like it, then sure! Haha it is amaranthatmidnight.tumblr.com

    Thanks! :)
    Also uh Meganium. That. If you're trying to build a team around that, I'd suggest you use the Dual Screens variation.
    Unfortunately meganium is normally in a support position; it's not really a thing to build a team around.
    Good teammates are SD ursaring and CM musharna; they can set up freely behind screens.
    I was close to being sick, though, very close.

    I might start checking Bulbapedia soon, Serebii's only givin us anime stuff. Unless that unconfirmed Mewtwo form will appear in X/Y
    Haha, that guy... Yeah, he's alright, but he has this thing with raisins... I don't know, he's weird. But the good kind of weird!
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