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  • Mm, okay. That's still counted as traditional homeschooling.

    Yep! Last I checked, the images are good.

    I'm writing a Psychic Blaze CSS guide, but that won't be any good anyway. (Personalization for the win \o/)

    Homeschooled or cyberschooled? Each is a totally different experience, so.

    It's probably a good idea for organization's sake! But I find it easier because I don't have to think about filepaths or anything. But yeah, that's weird! I guess it'd be <img src="/images/img.png"/> and if that doesn't work, then go ahead and elaborate.


    Whoah did you call my site terrible >:C it isn't... that bad! I think. Like I said, it just needs Serious CSS Work™! And I'd be glad to help out with CSS personally (it's easier here than writing a guide to it, although I'll definitely try. It'll be after the HTML guide is done, though. That miiight take some time.)
    Aw, sorry, late.

    Oh, yeah, I do! I miss the interaction sometimes, but I prefer it to peer pressure and other negatives of the public system. (Plus, homeschooling is more educational anyway.)

    ...! I'll fix stuff when I'm not being lazy. Sometime.

    Are they uploaded to the same folder as your .html files? (I take it you know <img src="IMGURL" title="when you hover over me you see me!"/> right?)

    For example, I have img.png and index.html in Folder. So I just use <img src="img.png"/> for it!

    It just depends on where it is, so.

    "And of course I follow your site? ...why wouldn't I?": B-because it's terrible! :c
    Oh my god, you're actually following my site? Wow. (I didn't know it'd actually be useful to anybody.)

    Now that I know you actually want it I'll probably add it soonish! So.
    .aspx is for ASP.NET, while this is classic ASP and should have the extension .asp. That's probably why your host isn't reading it as ASP.

    But the code is also wrong in a whole bunch of ways. Follow the instructions on the quiz script page exactly; if you change the extension, this will just give you a host of syntax errors currently.
    I disagree, too! You've just said that there isn't much else for people to care about.

    If they're gonna stick around, they have to be staying *for* something.

    But yeah. Do you get what I'm trying to say? Even if you have a quiz, they might see it and go "a quiz! :o" And then it's done, and they go "Okay, bye." It really doesn't matter either way; you're just trying to grab them and get some real traffic that'll stay.
    Doesn't mean they'll come back.

    Every TCoD page is .aspx. The site is half written in ASP.
    Yes, but you're not getting what I'm saying at all!

    It won't be pivotal either way. It's kind of like, "okay guys nothing on here is interesting so MY SITE WILL BE 100000 TIMES BETTER 'CAUSE I PUT A FORUM HERE :DDD"!

    Also did you have the right file extension? And is ASP set up on your computer?

    Also it probably doesn't make sense to switch hosts just for a quiz script! Quizzes won't be pivotal to if your site's good or not.
    ...? You know that there are probably tons of other scripts on the 'net that are JScript or something, right.

    HelioHost doesn't seem like it's that great; I never got my account approved. I'd say stick with x10.
    I actually don't use one! I remember that Imageshack was good. (I upload my images to my host, so.)

    What's your site? :o
    What host did you find? I use x10 Hosting.

    Oh! Name a file "index.html". That overwrites the "Index of /" thingy.

    Also! How are you going to program it, then? I'm not familiar with ROM hacks, though, so.

    I'm guessing that you already know that you can't do anything in the way of ROM hacks with HTML, though.

    (Also learn Python! I haven't yet, but I've been meaning to. It should probably be useful.)

    Sorry for lateness!
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