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  • they aren't random, Two Minutes Hate is a telescreen (tv) segment that is talked about in the book.
    Thanks. ^^

    I've been doing miscellaneous things, like playing Minecraft, Game Maker, and Game Dev Tycoon. Really great game.
    Hobey, Qvalador. I'm doing well; since graduation is closing in, I'm nervous if I'm going to get the valedectorian and junior prom.
    I did actually use a certain darker shade of grey in some parts, but I think I want to add more. I'll revise it within a few days with shading and maybe making it a bit less bland. Thanks for the feedback!
    Hey, Qvalador, is Basalt and Granite still an ongoing project? I tried scratch-spriting, and I'd like you to take a look at the (admittedly quite mediocre) sprite I made.


    Ghost type
    Lonely Pokémon
    Description: Spirise wander throughout the region, looking for a caretaker. Even if they are caught, they still long for something else that they cannot identify.

    I'm thinking it will evolve into a Ghost/Steel bipedal taller thing centered around a specific stat called Torrare and something about years of fruitless searching hardening its spirit. How can I improve the sprite?
    Okay, I was just making sure! I would have felt awful if it was my fault that you got your phone taken away.

    And sureziez, I'll email that email instead! :) Thanksies!
    Haha no problemo!

    And oh, okay. It wasn't my fault that it was taken away in the first place, though, right?
    Oh that's good!! I hope she says yes!! :)
    It has been pretty good, I guess! :) How are you? :)
    So how's my solution going? It needs a margin and padding, but that depends on things that I don't have control of.
    I'll fix it! :D

    Oh. She's basically saying (say that your header is <div id="header">Text here</div>) and then the CSS might be

    #header {
    background-image: url("filenamehere.png");
    height: imageheightinpixels;
    width: imagewidthinpixels;
    Replied. In Spectrum style the background image is actually just the sprite - the colors and borders are CSS background colors/borders, so their size adjusts automatically according to how big the h1/h2/h3/h4 element is.
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