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  • Well yes, because my friend uses that same emoticon when he's annoyed. So it made it seem as if you were being sarcastic earlier and that I hadn't picked up on it, you see :P
    Hmm, yeah, but that could just get annoying for some people. And problematic depending on where you're reading it. You know, sites with different colored backgrounds and whatnot. My personal method is to use emotes to display my tone, but it's imperfect. Not to mention some emotes mean different things to different people :P
    So when you said you didn't know, you were being sarcastic? Or are you being sarcastic now? Gosh text just does not convey tone of voice that well D:
    Well thank you for informing me! But I'm sort of working out all the details before I actually start writing. Well for this specific book. So I actually haven't even started writing, it will be a while before I get that far XD
    I haven't been able to play. After scraping my knee I got a viral infection and I got a nasty fever along with a wicked head and stomach ache.
    There'll always be a market for classic controllers -look at what happened with SSBB- but the mainstream will be a standardized pad with multiple arrangements.
    You know if it's actually that I will know you have some weird connections right

    And yes Megaman looks so cool; shame I haven't had time to play the games.
    It was announced at E3 this year. They haven't even revealed the special moves of the newcomers. 2014 is the release date so far.
    A league, a TCoD league. We'd have two categories; 3DS and Wii U, which in turn are divided into casual and competitive.
    We should start writing out the plans for a SSB4 league.

    Here is the Villager riding a gyroid, just in case you haven't seen it.
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