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  • One of the best moments in my life is when you quoted me in your signature.

    Each time I'd get on here, I'd see quotes from other people and think "Yeah, I wanna be like them. You have fulfilled this dream. Thank you. *applause*
    I wouldn't mind, but I don't really come here (mostly because my parents don't want me here, and secondly because I've started high school and I HAVE NO TIME).

    Also, it'd be suspicious if I started emailing a Qvalador, so. :/
    It's not her fault, apparently she had it partially done, then it got messed up, so she had to start over :P

    And...I'm not following XD
    I actually finished hers yesterday, she didn't finish mine XD (I told her she didn't have to do/make anything for me!)

    Anyway I wrote her a little story, but considering I have some extra time I will go revise some bits.
    Indeed, I wish there was one too. Searching even for a banner was disappointing. I ended up just making my own because apparently so few people caught that line in the movie. Which is rather disappointing.
    Sorry about the stress D:

    Yes ^_^ Well since I'm replying NOW, it's today, but yeah :)

    Nothing, it was nothing anyway :P
    Ah, that's too bad! Though I think Yoshi said he'd reopen it at some point. And I probably would've joined yours if I wasn't working with RespecttheBlade making a new RP. It seemed really cool.
    Can I be the first to say I'm sorry if your RP doesn't go anywhere because of ours .-. Still, best of luck to it, and sorry again.
    I am largely excellent, but a little peeved at something that shouldn't be considered anything but minor. Yourself?
    I dunno if I saw it or not, I've been more active recently unlike a month or two ago >w>
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