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    Yeah, I'll be fine! Don't worry :) I have something weird with my stomach. It isn't the stomach flu or anything, the doctors think if I eat I will feel better, but when I tried to eat yesterday, it made it worse XP But like, I am nauseous, but at the same time, it hurts on the outside too, like, my tummy is tender. Like I did 500 sit ups. It sucks. I literally can't even get out of bed it hurts really bad XP But today my tummy doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday, so that's good! :)
    Oh! Some of my writing that is less terrible is actually here on the forum. It's not exactly my best, but it's better than my worst. Look in the writing section for "Carla and the Doctor"
    Well, all of them really xD (I meant to reply to this sooner whoops I'm sorry)
    I want that game so badly! I love Animal Crossing!

    And that's good :) I am really sick, I had to go to the doctor, so I feel pretty bleh. But I am in a pretty good mood :)
    Yes, but you won't want to XD It's all done in my old style of writing, my new writing isn't on there yet. So you probably wouldn't like it very much (I certainly don't).
    Oh cool! :) When I was younger, I moved houses a lot, but I never really left Arizona.

    And really? That's amazing! I want that game!!! Too bad I don't even have a 3DS :( But I want one because there is a bunch of games I want, so maybe I'll buy myself one as a birthday gift to myself next month XD

    So how are you? :)
    Oh thanks! I'm glad you appreciate the genius game of Yoshi's Island! XD
    Oh that's cool! :) When did you move? I'm just curious
    Eh. Not really. He just isn't QUITE so evil. My mom usually keeps a close eye on him now, but sometimes she has to run to the store or something, and then he acts evil. But he hasn't bothered me since Thursday, and even that wasn't too terrible. He yells at me a lot, but really, who doesn't yell at me? :P
    Thank you so much, again!!! :D Like, for realziez, thank you.

    And I have been great! :) I am in a greattttt mood! :) Except I miss Jake, because I can't talk to him until tomorrow, but oh well! But seriously, I am fantabulous. And how are you? :)
    Oh! Really?? :D Thank you!!!! :D Thank you so much! That made me super happy, thank you! :D
    Aw would you really stay just for me? :) Aw you are so nice! Thank you! You should do whatever feels right for you, but I reallllly want you to stay!
    Okay! But I can't get on the computer very much :( I am grounded. But I am being rebellious right now by being on here! XD And no sir, I'm sorry.
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