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  • I'd never heard of Freddie for a Day. I do know today's his bday though. At my school, they'll make you take it off.
    Even though they announced the storm, it hasn't rained a drop where I live. This happened last year, too. They said there wasn't school one day, that day there was no rain. They canceled classes the next day, there was no rain. We came the next day to school, and their was a torrential downpour. And people go crazy when they announce those; they buy emergency supplies like crazy when nothing will probably happen.
    I have been having all of the homework lately because I am a freshman. Thank God for the storm, or else there would've been school today.
    The first few times she'd definitely be waaaaaay too freaked out for it to register he's trying to help and she'll probably make herself pass out.

    I was trying out this one but I don't like it as much as I thought i would so I have to wait until I get home to change it back. I proooobably should've saved the picture first, but >w>
    Well maybe with his power he could slowly scare her with different illusions until she gets used to them and thinks that they aren't as scary as they seem. which was probably what you were saying before and it just went right over my head
    How do you mean? With her, she probably wouldn't have had any feelings since she was scared of them ever since she was young, so.
    Maybe he could manipulate the fear and maybe change it into a different? Take the fear she had originally for guys and turn it into like... a fear of heights? Do you think he could do that or he'd be too OP?

    We could probably ask Black Yoshi about it, because that does sound like a good idea. Or maybe during it he could slowly edge the fear out of her? Orrrrr... something?
    I'm waiting on her roommate to post and he hasn't been on a
    for a while and I haven't found a way to do anything yet

    but /how/
    DUDE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW SAD I AM I CAN'T POST so we should totally do something in the lounge involving our characters because Aimee needs to get over her boy fear somehow in some way
    Well I'm aware that the II would mean junior XD II sounds so much better though. My brother is Dennis Dale Mueller III. I always liked my name and thought it would be cool to make a line of Alexander Michael Muellers, but what if my son and grandson and etc don't exactly agree? Oh well, not exactly have a baby right now, so I think it's safe to say I have time to think about it later :P
    Much appreciated. I usually talk to her every chance I get, so chances are that if I'm able to talk to her I am :P
    Weird, I don't usually miss these messages. But I'm apparently 7 hours late? Quite bad, Jake. Quite bad.

    Anyway at 3:30, no, I wasn't talking to Reeni (I'm assuming that's who you're referring to because who else?), because she usually doesn't text me until like...4:30ish (I'm speaking in my time, of course. Just in case there is confusion).

    But up until an hour ago I've been talking to her all afternoon :P
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