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  • People associate being feminist with being angry man-hating women, so most people who would probably be considered feminist don't use the term.

    And yeah, I've changed a lot since being on TCoD! It taught me a hell of a lot about stuff I hadn't learned (LGBT stuff and all that) and is most of the reason I didn't spend sophomore year thinking I was going to hell, haha.
    There's an old adage saying that if you suck at geometry then alg II will be better
    It depends a lot on the teacher! You can have hard material with a teacher who's really great at teaching the class, or easy stuff with a terrible teacher.

    Don't worry too much about Algebra II; if you can do Algebra I you'll be fine :)
    Well I am sometimes! I think we're in the same timezone so that might be why? I dunno :P
    Also if my computer's on I always have a browser open unless I'm playing games, and if I have a browser open I always have tcod in the first tab.
    I'm glad I'm done with high school because now I don't have to deal with them, haha
    It was on the final AP Test. Apparently it had happened the year before too.

    College Board, what are you doing.
    oh god that reminds me of when I took the AP Music test and it had RANDOM K-POP
    Yeah, it really can. A lot of people on there don't seem to realize that you can disagree without being outright NASTY.

    Dude, Freddie Mercury is great. (Also you put up with my Broadway fangirling and liveblogging soundtracks, haha)
    Just got back from orthodontist and just happened to get rubber bands today which is really pissing me off since i have marching band practise tomorrow, a football game friday, and our first competition saturday. i get my braces off in March.
    i hate braces.
    it makes playing instruments pretty annoying about 75% of the time especially when i first got them.
    Eh, forget it. All I had to tell you was this:
    In the game, besides the Gym thing we discussed, you could catch extra Pokémon and give them to a Safari Zone-type zoo, where they are displayed. There could be an aviary, a few terrariums, and an aquarium (similar to Fuschia).
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