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  • oh, I plan. Chapter by chapter, in an outline. My work is much better now, even if my plot really doesn't make that much sense.
    Ryan, I think she's okay now. A lot of stuff happened, and (with her permission) I'll tell you whatever you want to know, later. Tomorrow, perhaps. Jake needs sleep, he's been up all night dealing with a crisis.
    Do so at your own risk.

    It's not that the writing is so terrible, it's just that the plot was not well-thought out and the story as a whole just wasn't planned enough. It's really underdeveloped as novels go.
    I mean, I don't consider it a finished work of mine. The writing is terrible.

    ...now that you mention it, yes that is actually all of it.
    ...Well, that was years ago.

    Now that you mention it, though, I suppose he might be making a return in my NaNo this year. Though it's entirely separate.

    Element is entirely non-canon and if you actually feel like reading it I can give you it.
    Really, someone in the academy has a fear of Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of their mouth. That just seems rather...pathetic? Sad maybe...

    Of all fears you decided on that one?
    She hasn't been able to get on her computer really. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll email you whenever she can :P
    It's not so much about whether it's correct or not as you shouldn't be dictating my actions in the first place. Unless it's basically repeating something something I said in my own post or whatever. In this case I had Quitterie wandering off in my last post so what you said can fall under that, but in the future it'd probably be better to just say your character glanced in Quitterie's direction and then not describe what you think Quitterie's doing.

    (This applies to all characters, naturally - if you're petting Gundam's hamsters when he's talking to Priscilla and glance at him, you couldn't say he was glaring at you even if that's exactly what mimi was going to say, unless you were told to.)

    Hm, actually, it's not strictly true that you can't get information from the Qbeys either... you can't mind-read them or anything though. If you want to actually engage in conversation with them I'll play the other part, of course.
    It might be fine to exert a little bit of control over the Qbeys where it makes sense as an extension of your actions (they could technically choose not to broadcast any messages, so if you're directly talking at one it probably wouldn't, but it still might choose to) but saying Quitterie was scowling is taking over my character. Don't do that. Incidentally, she probably wouldn't scowl. She doesn't care that much.
    Oh, I'm not saying that I won't! Just that I don't know ahead of time when. Haha.

    I finished #fort!! It totally works :D

    Confettreamers for the win.
    I'm on right now! but if you don't catch me today then idk when I'll be here.

    Probably won't be here Monday. :( Shoot me a PM! Or something...

    ...What's wrong? Are you okay? ♥ I'll see you sometime!
    Oh, that's annoying. Did you get Python 2.7? If you got Python 3, then that would be a problem.

    Also, are you using Powershell, or cmd? You can change them to not auto-close when a program gets over. Then you could see the error message better.
    [10:13] <Mohac> Supybot is not compatible with Windows :( -- That's just not true!




    Here are three different supybot-for-Windows guides to try! I haven't made one in Windows yet, but some other people on irc have managed it, so I think you could, too!

    Don't worry, you need to know 0% about Python to set up a supybot. If you make one, I'll give you Personality! It's originally by Robert Brewer and I've worked on it. That's what Mewtini uses to make bluebird talk. You should need 0% Python for making Personality work! And 0.5% Python to change the error messages (it's really really easy).
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