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  • ...I hope you get better.

    Well, that's good! 70, though? That's tiny! I hope you keep eating after you get home, because even 90 is pretty slim.

    I'm pretty good! I just got my 3DS back, so I'm allowed to play my Pokémon game! Also, I feel a little bit better now that I know you're... well, alive.
    Yeah, I'm fine. I'm still at the hospital, my blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature and stuff is still pretty low and I still pass out every once in a while, but I'm okay! :)

    And hopefully soon, I'll go back to mental hospital place where I will be forced to eat and gain weight and stuff so it wouldn't happen again! Currently, I am 70.4 pounds, the mental hospital probably won't let me go back home until I'm at least 90 pounds :P

    Anyways, how are you? :)
    I'm sorry! :( Please forgive me :( Basically, what happened was I passed out because I am so underweight and malnourished, and when someone is as malnourished as I am, the major organ systems in the body start slowing down and shutting off, so my heart rate was super duper slow, my temperature was low, and I had really low blood pressure. If I gain weight, it shouldn't happen again.
    Awww thank you :) But I got out of it... For now. My mom felt bad, I only had to spend a day there, and then she let me go home. But I just got out of the ICU yesterday, because I passed out in the kitchen and I had super low blood pressure and stuff XP So Jakey and another friend want me to go back to the mental hospital place, but I am going to try my best not to go.
    Sure, it's a bit offensive, but a movie like that is going to offend a lot of people. I took it in good humour, so it didn't really bug me.
    I used to use a different one, but I can't find it. It had a similar concept, it would take your phrase and translate it back and forth through a translator, but it would do different languages. Like it would go, English - Spanish - English - French - English - Chinese - English - Japanese -English or something like that, except it had more languages. I really liked that one, but Translation Party was what I found while trying to find the old one :P
    That is exactly why I'm got Chespin, because it's so extreme. The same can be said for Dewott.

    Even if you don't get it for your team, you're gonna want to get it, for the Pokedex
    Wow. I had a serious meltdown there. I mixed up Ace Ventura and Phoenix Wright, and I'm not sure how. But yes, I first saw it a day or two after I had my wisdom teeth out and it was the first time I had really laughed since.
    You haven't?!?

    It's the same episode that he tells Spongebob that it's opposite day.
    It's actually even better than I was expecting. And I can finally use Mawile realistically!

    super training is amazingly fun and yet somewhat tedious at the same time.
    Chespin. Chesnaught is just so amazing~ Plus Squirtle and Torchic and they make a great team. If you want a male Litleo, you're in for at least 5 minutes of seaching; just a heads up.
    I've only played a bit, because I went to my friend's birthday party the day of the release and my battery ran out, and I haven't had access to a charger. It's really cool! I've already gotten past Viola. What starter will you pick?
    I prefer the one from Spongebob where they're singing Happy Birthday to Squidward when it isn't actually his birthday :P
    ...It's okay, she'll be back someday. We'll all just have to wait until that happens.

    So, X and Y come out tomorrow.
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