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  • H
    I'm sorry for worrying you :(

    But everything has been okayish :) How about you? :)
    Don't worry man. My internet's the same. But now, my A button is barely working. I changed it to L=A, and the game doesn't register it while the camera and the sound works.
    I know that the amount of EXP they get is influenced by
    ~having 3 or more levels of Affection in Pokemon-Amie
    ~Being traded
    ~Being able to evolve but not actually having evolved

    Maybe it's the last one that's the problem?
    I'm not sure what effects they have, but affection is the only one that matters during battle, I think.

    I knew; it's just that Malamar isn't /that/ good and my team is better-constructed now.
    Sorry to hear that. If you do decide to drop out, it won't be too much a problem. I can always "Kill off" a character easily, but I can't say I look forward to it. Talk to me if you do leave, maybe we can find a way to send you out with style.
    Yes, I'm sure :) Besides, Jakey is being really strict about making sure I eat enough calories. And I am 100% committed to gaining weight, so I'll try my best. Don't worry :)
    If I'm getting that wrong though, well I finished the book over 3 months ago, my memory probably isn't the best on it :P
    i have a talonflame too, haha. (so...two flying types and two fire types. balanced teams? what are those?)
    Yeah. I just got out of the hospital today. I'll be okay :)
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